Unexpected News

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It's been almost a year since your last encounter with Chris Evans. Or at least since you called him that day to break the news to him. Feeling sick to your stomach remembering how things went. It felt as if it was just yesterday.

Reminiscing about how the two of you met, as you sat in the pediatricians office. Even after this long without him you still couldn't get him out of your head. No matter how hard you tried to forget about him.

Meeting at one of your friends party the two of you hitting it off immediately. Never thinking a man like this would ever set his eyes on you. Talking the whole night until it was time to go home.

He had asked you out on a date the next morning to which of course you said yes. Chris was all you could think about, and he felt the same way.

Always by each other's side never apart for too long. People beginning to think you both were obsessed with one another. It was crazy how much you cared for the man in such a short span of time.

His schedule at first was hard to deal with, but after a couple of weeks you got used to it. He was a huge celebrity, and his schedule was all over the place. It didn't come as a surprise to you with how busy he was.

Chris wanting to keep you out of the spotlight, but wanting to take you everywhere. He wasn't afraid to show you any affection in public. There was always this tension between you two, but he didn't want to pressure you into sleeping with him, and then ruining everything.

Then one night when the time felt right he made love to you all night long. Holding you in his arms until you fell asleep. Leaving you kisses on your cheek and top of your head.

Things felt right with him, and you pictured doing everything with this man. You could see yourself starting a future with him, and possibly even starting a family.

The next couple of weeks after that you suddenly would wake up feeling sick to your stomach. Always feeling tired even with a full nights rest. Your breasts felt tender and sore for no reason. Another thing you noticed later on was you had missed your period.

Panicking and pacing across your room wondering if you should go ahead and take a test. Thinking to yourself maybe you were just being paranoid. Asking your friend for advice to which of course she said do it.

Peeing on the little stick to see that positive sign pop up. Feeling the tears on the brim of yours eyes. Your throat was closing up making it harder to breath. Your heart was racing a million beats per second.

Not expecting to get pregnant this quickly in the relationship. Worrying that Chris wouldn't want this, and tell you to get rid of it. Or maybe he would just leave you, and abandon you and your baby.

Part of you wanted to not bother calling him, but the other part was screaming at you to. Picking up your phone your fingers hovering over his name. Pressing on the screen as you heard his phone ringing.

Even though it was merely a couple seconds it felt like years hearing the ringing. Hearing his cheerful voice picking up, but you found yourself staring straight ahead no words coming out of your mouth.

"Y/N?" He questioned when you weren't speaking. "Sweetheart?"

"Hi Chris." Mumbling out shaking your head to gather yourself. He could tell something was wrong.

"Is everything okay?" He asked as when he sensed your nervous tone.

"There's something I have to tell you." You could feel this lump forming in your throat, and you could feel the tears coming.

"What's wrong baby?" He was even more worried now. "Please tell me."

"I'm pregnant." You blurted out after almost a minute of silence.

The phone was dead silent. Neither you or Chris spoke a word making you even more nervous than before. Thinking to yourself that maybe he was just processing the whole thing. It was big news you were telling him over the phone.

"Chris." Saying his name hoping he wasn't angry. Your stomach was in knots waiting to hear his reaction. "Please say something."

"What the hell do you want me to say?" His words had you taken aback. Not expecting him to snap like that. "Is it mine?"

"Of course it's yours Chris." Scoffing at his offensive question, and telling yourself maybe he wasn't thinking out of shock.

"I can't believe this is happening." He was saying more to himself than you. Hearing his footsteps echoing across the room. He was pacing back and forth in his room.

Preparing yourself for any kind of reaction from him, but not expecting him to be this upset. Granted the two of you weren't together that long, and he had a reputation to maintain. You thought he would be a little more supportive than that.

"Chris please." A tear rolling down your cheek knowing he was angry. "I didn't expect this to happen."

"You think I'm ready to be a father?" Even though it came out as a question it was more like he was making a statement. "I don't have time for a child."

"What makes you think I do?" Now you were getting angry at how he was talking to you. "I'm not ready either."

"I can't deal with this right now." His tone went from anger to such melancholy. He sounded stressed and almost scared. "I've got this movie I'm doing."

"Are you kidding me?" Screaming into the phone now as he tried to come up with an excuse to not be there for you and the baby.

"I can't have a child right now." It upset you how inconsiderate he was being, and not even offering to help with the pregnancy. "I'm not ready for this."

"What are you saying?" Afraid of what his words actually meant, and not wanting to hear that right now.

"You know exactly what I'm saying." He spoke through gritted teeth. "I know you aren't ready either."

"You can't be asking me to get rid of it." This wasn't how you were wanting this to go down. "How dare you."

"Look I'm not telling you to do anything." His voice turned into a whisper. "But I just can't deal with this right now." 

"So you don't want to be there for me or the baby?" Even though it came out as a question it felt like you were making a statement.

"No I don't." Closing your eyes as his words sunk in deeply. "I've gotta go."

Before you could respond he had already hung up the phone. Leaving you stunned at how badly that conversation went. You knew he would be upset, but you didn't think he was going to abandon you like that.

Your heart was breaking knowing that he was going to be gone forever. Not only were you pregnant, but your baby wasn't going to have a father.

Right now you felt so scared and alone for what the future held for you. There was no way that you were prepared to handle something like this. This was completely unplanned, and you had no idea what you were doing.

All you know was that you were pregnant, and now your baby was fatherless.

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