Had To Be Him II

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"Morning." A deep voice rang making you jump. His deep laughter filling your ears when he saw your reaction. "Sorry."

"It's fine." You mumbled as you continued to make your coffee.

Things felt so awkward after meeting your friends brother last night. Never thinking that you were going to meet him in the middle of the night. Also, knowing that he was now the leader to a ruthless gang.

A part of you didn't want to show any fear, and another part of you was about to shit your pants. At any moment this man could snap, and really hurt you.

It was a scary feeling knowing that someone as dangerous as him was staying under the same roof as you. Never did you ever think in a million years you would be talking with someone that was in a gang.

You could still feel his presence standing behind you the whole time. Trying your best not to spill or drop anything. He was making you extremely nervous just watching you. Not knowing if he was doing this on purpose or not.

"You're cute when your nervous." His tone was mocking towards you. You just ignored him and kept doing what you were doing. "You have a nice ass too."

Turning around to stare at him in horror only to see the smuggest grin you've ever seen. If he was just trying to get under your skin it was definitely working.

"Excuse me?" You asked him knowing full well what you heard him say.

"Said you've got a nice ass. Would love to see it all marked up." His words were so vulgar and out there. You've known this guy less than twenty four hours and he was already coming on to you.

"You talk to all girls like this?" Now it was your turn to be mocking which only amused him even more.

"Only the pretty ones I want to fuck." He winked at you. Your eyes going wide hearing him say that to you.

"You're disgusting." Mumbling as you turned back around turning your back to him just wanting him to leave you alone. He had other plans.

Even though he was acting like a pig his words did kind of turn you on. As much as you wanted to dislike this guy his words and presence alone had your stomach tingling.

Right now you were picturing in your mind him kissing your neck, and bending you over the counter. He was probably the most amazing partner ever when it came to being in bed. He could probably leave your legs feeling like spaghetti noodles after.

All of a sudden you felt this rush of heat brush up against your body. You knew he was closer and was practically pressing his front to your back. If you weren't that nervous before you were now.

You stood there frozen unable to move. Also, you were afraid if you made the wrong move your butt would brush against his crotch area. That's the last thing you wanted to happen in your best friends kitchen.

Time was slowing down and you felt the walls closing in with how close he was to you. You also felt a sense of comfort around him like this man would do anything to protect you from harm. Even though he came off as tough and intimidating you felt as if he would do everything but hurt you.

"Do I make you nervous?" He whispered in your ear making you gasp feeling his breath against your neck. "Do I make you wet?"

Unable to say anything and defend yourself you stood there helpless. You were acting like a damsel in distress, and he was the hunky prince coming to save you from your horny thoughts.

Normally any other guy that spoke to you like this would have gotten a slap to the face. For some reason when he spoke you weren't offended or anything.

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