Had To Be Him X

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Did he really say 'I love you'? Maybe your ears heard what you wanted to, and not what was actually said. You were dreaming if you thought someone like him would fall for someone as ordinary as you.

It really had your mind spinning all over the place. The butterflies in your stomach were going absolutely crazy. This feeling that you were experiencing had never happened before.

Usually right before you started to really like a guy, they left you on the side of the road. Like you were a piece of trash. Always thinking you were doing something wrong.

To say the least your confidence was never that high. At least until you met Chris that is. He made you feel happy, angry, cared about, and beautiful.

You couldn't help but think maybe he was just using you for entertainment. That you were some toy he wanted to play with until he was bored, and didn't want you anymore.

"You've got that look." Chris interrupted your thoughts. Turning over to look at him. "You know that one when your thinking too much."

"Oh shut up that's just my face." You smacked his chest making him laugh. "Besides you should see your face when you think."

"Oh really?" A smirk appeared on his face as he rolled over caging you under him.

"Yeah really." You stuck your tongue out at him. Feeling the heat radiating off his body your nerves getting the best of you.

"You wanna find out what other faces I can make?" Before you could answer that you heard your best friend and fiancé get up.

"Oh shit I gotta get back to my room before she sees me." Ripping the covers off your body as you dressed as quickly as you could.

"So what if she sees us." His words threw you off. Staring at him like he just grew two heads. "I mean she doesn't have to know full details is what I'm saying."

"Chris you heard her and saw how upset she was at the thought." Shaking your head imagining her face if she found out. "I can't lose my best friend."

It was true if she did find out you've been harboring this relationship your friendship would be gone. She would feel the ultimate betrayal that you kept this from her instead of just telling her.

"Well I can't lose you." His hand grabbed yours and stopped you from moving. "Please your the best thing to happen to me."

"I am?" Confused how he went from we can't be anything to I can't lose you.

"You mean a lot more to me than you realize." Chris looking down at the hand he was holding as he rubbed the skin soothingly.

"I meant what I said last night." Now that got your attention. So you weren't crazy and didn't imagine hearing that.

"What?" You stuttered as he looked up at you.

"I do love you." He whispered as he sat up so he was eye level with you. "More than I ever thought I would."

"I-I love you too." Hearing those words come from your mouth had him gleaming. Never have you ever said those words to anyone except family. It felt right.

The two of you stared at each other lovingly before he attached his lips to yours. Feeling his plump lips meshing against yours had tingles running down your back.

His arms wrapped around your waist to pull you closer. Groaning against your lips the more heated the make out became. Closing your eyes as you let the feeling over come your body.

Your lips moving together as if they were creating music. Afraid to pull apart from him in fear this was all a dream. Loving the feeling of his skin touching yours.

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