Something New Part 1

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Taking a deep breath as you tried to control your heart rate. Your palms overly sweaty, and your fingers constantly twitching. Right now was not the time to have an anxiety attack though.

Looking in the mirror at your over the top makeup, and extra curly hair. The silk robe covering your body did nothing to stop the chills running up and down your body.

They let you take a shot of hard liquor just to calm your nerves. They wanted this movie to be good, and wanted all the ratings. Not wanting to ruin it by shaking like a leaf the whole time.

"There ready for you Y/N." Someone with a headset popped their head in real quick giving you a nod.

"Thanks." Mumbling as you turned back around.

The silence in the room was making things even worse. Like all you could hear were your thoughts , and it wasn't making things better.

Standing up as you pinched the ends of the sleeves with your fingers. Walking towards where all the camera crew was standing around. Looking at the staged room that was all white. White bed. White sheets. White walls. Even white carpet.

It was almost blinding as you anxiously waited for your co star to walk onto set. All you know his name is Bradley Bradshaw, and all the women even some men loved him. You've never done anything like this, and you didn't want to disappoint.

"Alright there's our man." The director clapped his hands as you saw Bradley walking towards you. "You all set?"

"Sure thing." He smiled as he disrobed himself making you drool.

This man was more beautiful then what you thought. His body was chiseled and rock hard. Looking at his face all you wanted to do was place your mouth on his plump ones.

Feeling your panties becoming a little wet at just the sight of him. This man was literally sex on two legs. You could probably cum at just the sound of his voice. Just him being in your presence was enough to intimidate you.

Now you were even more nervous having a man like this in front of you. Your mouth probably hanging wide open like an idiot as you stared at him.

"Bradley you've met Y/N." The director nodded towards you making Bradley turn his attention at you.

"Not yet but I'm glad I get someone absolutely damn gorgeous to work with." He winked your cheeks heating up. "First time?"

"That obvious huh?" Lightly chuckling making him smile even bigger.

"Nah you'll do just fine." He waved his hand in a swift motion. "First time is always the hardest."

"How long have you been doing this?" You asked. "Porn I mean."

"Ah well I've been doing this for I would say six years now." Placing both hands on his hips as he looked at you. "But I've been fucking since I was sixteen."

He's probably slept with some of the worlds most beautiful and sexy women, and yet they stick him with you. You didn't feel like you could ever compete with any of those women. Now you were going to have to step up your game.

"I've heard a lot of good things about you." Almost smacking yourself in the face for that stupid line. "I just mean."

"No it's all good." He chuckled at how shy you became.

"I don't watch porn." That was clearly a lie. His eyebrows scrunched down.

"No way you don't watch porn." He said in disbelief. "I mean everyone watches at least one porn movie in their life."

"Nope not me." Shaking your head trying to maintain your confidence. "I prefer the real thing."

"That's my girl." Your body melting when he said that, but you knew you would never become his girl.

Porn wasn't something you ever saw yourself doing. You enjoyed sex a lot, but never thought you would be getting paid to do it. Nobody was paying well, and this was pretty much your only option.

Nobody knew about this only your best friend, and she told you this was a bad idea. You told yourself you would only do a couple movies, and that would be it. Judging by who you would be working with it seems that wouldn't be the case.

This wasn't something that you were going to get into. Get the money and get the hell out of there. You were surprised they even considered someone like you. No auditions or anything. They took one look at you, and asked how soon could you start.

"You ready Y/N?" A voice broke you from your thoughts. Turning to the set to see everyone staring at you.

"Oh yeah sorry." Squealing sheepishly as you jogged to everyone.

"Alright if you'll just remove your robe we can get started." Hearing that had your heart racing, and your stomach churning at the thought of getting naked in front of everyone.

The scenario was that you were at home sleeping the bed, and your husband came home early. Only to see you laying there in your bra and panties, and then he would have sex with you.

Slowly pulling the thin material off your body and kicking it to the side. Goosebumps appeared on your skin. Expecting everyone to be looking at your body and judging.

The thing is nobody was looking at you. They were so focused on doing their parts they weren't even staring. You could feel a pair of eyes staring at you though.

Looking straight ahead you saw Bradley devouring you with his eyes. They were blown full of lust and wide with dark desires. Your skin felt tingly seeing him look at you like that. No man has ever looked at you the way Bradley was right now.

Maybe you were reading too much into it, but he seemed way to excited to be doing this with you. Almost like this was something he had been praying for, and he was going to get what he wanted.

"You can get into bed and they well begin." People shuffled around getting into position.

You stayed their frozen like your feet were stuck, and you couldn't move. This was what stage fright must feel like. Trying to hype yourself up to just get it over with, and telling yourself it wasn't going to be that bad.

This was actually happening and there was no turning back now. You just had to suck it up, and tell yourself the money was going to be worth it. It would be all over soon.

"God I can't wait to feel how tight you are." A deep voice growled in your ear.

Turning around to see Bradley walk by with a huge grin on his face. Your thighs tempted to squeeze shut so you could now relieve the pressure between your legs. This man got you all hot and heavy, and he hasn't even touched you yet.

Laying in bed you got into the perfect position. Trying to find the right place to put your hands, and where to move your legs. Moving some of your hair up front to make it look more realistic.

Hearing the quiet chatter of the crew as they got everything finalized. Closing your eyes as you felt a bright light shine down on the set making you jump slightly.

This was it this was go time. Millions of people were going to see you at your most vulnerable. Millions of people were going to see parts of you even your own boyfriends didn't get to see.

"And action."

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