Had To Be Him VII

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"I knew going to this thing was going to be a fucking horrible idea." Chris snarled as he basically dragged you through the door.

You've never seen him like this and quite frankly it was turning you on. The darkness in his eyes to the way his body moved. Like he was determined to make sure you knew nobody else could have you let alone look at you.

Feeling your panties become just a little wet with how he handling you. There was no barrier between you two, and he wasn't going to let anything or anyone stop him tonight. Not even his own sister.

"You think you can just let him flirt with you like that?" Even though it came out as a question you knew it was best not to answer.

"You are mine." He growled as he led you both into the bedroom.

"Chris please you're hurting my arm." That was a straight up lie, but you wanted to play whatever game he was playing.

"Good." He turned around to look at you a smirk appearing on his face. "Now bend over the fucking bed."

Watching as he slammed the door and locked it behind him. The sexual tension in the room was so thick you swore you were drowning in it. Already feeling your legs tremble with excitement.

Your heart started to race, and you could feel the butterflies in your stomach. Mouth slightly open as you took in his words. Judging by the look on his face you knew he wasn't messing around. How did a good night turn into a punishment?


Walking into the restaurant with Chris his hand behind your back as he led you to the table. Your palms were getting sweaty, and your nerves were all over the place. It has been so long since you've seen Sebastian, and you had no idea what you were getting yourself into.

As the four of you sat there waiting for your fifth guest you couldn't help but bouncing your leg up and down. Chris placed his hand on your knee making you look up at him.

"Sorry." You mumbled making him laugh with how nervous you were. "It's just been a long time."

"You don't have to apologize to me." He smiled down at you as he rubbed your leg soothingly.

Just as you were about to respond you heard a familiar voice. Turning around to see Sebastian talking to the hostess giving her a wink before he walked over to your table.

Even though you were technically with Chris you couldn't help but still admire him. It was just something about him that always had you drawn to him. Like he was a magnet, and his pull was just too strong.

"Sebastian." Your friend was the first to greet him as all of you stood up. "It's so good to see you."

Watching as she introduced her fiancé to him, and even he was intimidated by him. Looking from your side view you saw Chris sizing him up and down. Almost like he was seeing who his competition was, and how fast he could take him down.

"Y/N." You turned your attention to the man who spoke your name. A huge smile appearing on his face. "God it's been so long."

Instead of shaking your hand like you were hoping he grabbed your waist, and pulled you in for a hug. God he smelled so good too. For a second you were melting in his arms, that's when you remembered who was right behind you.

"Oh Sebastian this is Chris. Chris this is Sebastian." You introduced the two as you pushed yourself away.

Chris didn't waste his time pulling you into his side.

"Her boyfriend." Chris snapped making you and his sister look at him in astonishment. Never once did his eyes leave Sebastian's.

"Boyfriend?" You heard his sister exclaim but neither one of them paid attention to her. She then turned to you. "Boyfriend?"

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