The one where Isabelle is actually pregnant

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Isabelle seldom thought of herself as irrational and insecure, and yet there she was staring at herself through the full body mirror in their closet. She didn't like what she saw. She hasn't for a while now.

Unpleasant evidences of her pregnancy never failed to pull on her focus whenever she stood in front of the mirror. Stretch marks on her huge tummy, swelling ankles that left her waddling, and the 10 kg she gained was depressingly prominent. Isabelle thought she look like a fucking gourd. No wonder her wife hasn't touched her in months.

That was another destructive thought she visited often these days. Robin was gorgeous as she's always been. She grew her hair out—choosing to forgo the fringe, her face was subtly more mature at 24 and she still has that youthful twinkle in her eyes and that goddamn adorable smile that could hook strangers with one look. Like what happened with her pesky co-workers who couldn't be stopped by the giant diamond ring Isabelle got for their wedding.

Robin told her of an instance during an after work hangout when one of her co-workers, James, got drunk and asked her if she was interested in having an affair with him. That wasn't even the last incident. Isabelle witnessed in front of her own eyes how her wife's co-workers ogled at Robin. It was so fucking obvious. But of course, Robin loved her current job—working on soundtracks for movies, that Isabelle couldn't find it in her to complain about it. Recently, however, she's got a lot to complain about.

Robin most likely does not have a clue as Isabelle has been bottling her anger up for the past few days. Four days exactly, including the present day. It has been four consecutive days that her wife came home hours later than she normally would. Robin used to always come home right after work ends at five, aside from the rare times she agreed to hangout with her co-workers for appearance's sake. For the past three days, she's gone home at seven right before dinner time with take-outs.

They always cooked dinner together.

That wasn't even the end of it. For some reason, her wife smelled different when she comes home. It wasn't as though they changed their toiletries or perfume. The scent of rosemary, peppermint, and some other scent lingered on her clothes so strongly that Isabelle felt like she was being taunted to bring it up. She didn't want to accuse Robin of anything but her mind was too vulnerable not to jump into unwanted conclusions. Besides, what else was she supposed to think?

It was now 8:30 in the evening when their front door opened.

Isabelle rushed to the living room as fast as she can, which wasn't at all fast considering the fact that she could only waddle. The short duration that it took for her to reach the living room was more than enough to convert her fear into blood boiling anger. "What took you so long?"

Robin was in the process of taking her things out from her handbag on the couch when Isabelle came blazing in. "Today's meeting was pushed to 3pm and it dragged on for hours." Robin groaned, the exhaustion visible on her face.

"So, you're saying that the meeting took five hours?"

"Christine was having trouble with--"

"Ah. Christine." Isabelle laughed without the barest hint of humor.

Robin sighed and slouched on the couch. The topic of Christine, one of the higher ups who asked her out before finding out that she was married, has come up a couple times in Isabelle's snide remarks here and there. Robin knew exactly where this was heading and while she normally had the patience of a monk when it came to reassuring her wife, this was unfortunately not one of those days. To say that her work day was hectic was the understatement of the year. "Isabelle, love, I'm really exhausted. Can we just talk about this tomorrow?"

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