Is that a millennial code for doing drugs?

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Clumsily shoving her right foot in her white sneakers, Robin zipped her backpack and hung it on her shoulders. "Mom! I'm off to the library."

Megan appeared in the hallway, squinting at her daughter with a heavy staple gun in her hands. She had been attempting to imitate a gun shot for the new song she's producing since six in the morning, disrupting her husband and daughter's sleep. "Is that a millennial code for doing drugs?"

"What? I'm not a millenn-- not the point. No, mom. I'm going to the library, like the one near the plaza."

Megan scrunched her face as if her daughter became the rapper with gold teeth and tattoos in the face. "Really?"

"Yes, mom."

"Library on a Saturday? Oh my god. My daughter is a loser. Where did I go wrong?"

"Wha--I'm not a loser!" Finally finding her left shoe, Robin shoved her foot just as her mom turned to glare at Edward, her dad.

"This is your fault!"

"Why is it a bad thing?" Edward, reading his magazine peacefully, felt attacked. "Everyone, especially teenagers, should take advantage of our public library. The amount of knowledge it stores is incredible, but not enough people appreciate it. I'm proud of you, honey." He smiled at his daughter.

Edward Kwon, Edward Yates once he got married to Megan Yates, came to America with his family when he was merely 3 years old. His parents could barely make ends meet and so he devoted all his time studying in hopes that he could get a well-paying job to help her parents out. He worked part time, read tons of law books from the public library, and studied a hell lot. Everything her daughter isn't doing. But it was okay, Edward only wanted for his daughter to be comfortable and happy.

"See? You're encouraging this behavior."

"I don't see what's wrong with encouraging our daughter to learn! If you ask me--"

"I'm not asking you."

"I'm going!" Robin went over her parents before her dad starts sulking. She kissed them goodbye, and dashed out of the house.

Arriving ten minutes before their agreed time, Robin looked around the first floor of the library for the dark-haired beauty

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Arriving ten minutes before their agreed time, Robin looked around the first floor of the library for the dark-haired beauty. She did not expect the building to have three floors and she didn't even have Isabelle's number. Groaning, she was about to go up the second floor when she noticed Isabelle's red backpack by the corner near the computers, the owner's back faced her. 

"It feels weird seeing you out of our uniform," Robin whispered, keeping in mind the middle-aged woman by the counter

Isabelle's blue knit sweater showed off her collarbones, leaving Robin dazed as she sat across with a gulp. The girl's dark hair fell into waves up to her breasts and the tiniest tint of red spread on her lips and Robin thought of how angelic she looked. That is, until those scarily vivid green eyes snapped at her. "No chit chats. Let's get this over with."

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