She smells like sin

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The library was one of Robin's favorite places in the school. And no, of course it's not because it houses knowledge in the form of books, but because:

1. There was a table at the back of the room hidden in between tall shelves where she could sleep in peace. The librarian never really bothered to check and so Robin would leave snacks and candies on the bottom drawer of the table for whenever she comes back. It was a safe space.

2. Isabelle practically lives in the said library.

True to her list, Robin found the green-eyed beauty sitting in perfect posture, flicking through a notebook. Isabelle's hair was straightened out perfectly and her uniform was as immaculate as ever. It was honestly scary how put together the girl was but Robin loved all of it regardless.  

"Hey Isabelle," Robin greeted as she slid across the student council president who didn't bother acknowledging her presence. If she didn't know Isabelle she would've assumed that the girl was just too focused reading her notes and was not deliberately ignoring her, but Robin knew better.


Still nothing.


A groan came out of Isabelle's lips before she looked up. "Do not. Call. Me. That."

If glares could kill Robin would've been dead right now, but thank God it doesn't. Propping her head on the palm of her hand, Robin sighed, flashing the girl across from her with dreamy eyes. "I want to be your girlfriend."

Isabelle briefly wondered how the brunette could be so shameless. "No."

"Why not?"

"I have high standards."

Robin scoffed. "I'm sure I'm waayyy past that standard."

"No, you're not."

"Tell me then. Your standards."

"No." The student council president shook her head, returning her gaze to the notebook in front of her. She had been brainstorming on possible areas where they could hold the annual senior camping trip as requested by the events coordinator. She already listed five options and she was just about to cross out the one that stretched the budget the most when the distraction arrived. She wasn't even aware that Robin actually knew where the library was.

"Why not?"

"I know what you're doing."

"Trying to make you be my girlfriend?"

"You're trying to get back with Yohan through me."

"Wait. What? Isabelle, that doesn't even make any sense. How does me, wanting you to be my girlfriend, help me get back with Yohan?"

"You're trying to make her jealous so she'll snap and--I don't know okay? You tell me."

"I can't tell you because I'm not trying to get back with her."


"I'm serious."

"Well, even if you are telling the truth, which is highly unlikely, my answer is still the same: no. I can't be with a girl."

"Isabelle. Your gayness is pretty obvious."

"Just--I can't. Okay? I can't. Leave it at that." With a sigh, Isabelle shut her notebook before walking out the library without so much as a glance to the other girl.

Despite what it may look like, Isabelle wasn't shrugging it off because she was against same sex relationships. For the love of God, her mom left her father for another woman and Isabelle saw how happy her mom was. She didn't have anything against it, just that she wasn't ready to think about the repercussions that come with being open about her sexuality. She had to tread carefully because if her father got a wind of it...

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