Raise your hand before speaking to me

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Isabelle sat down beside Robin's desk once the teacher dismissed the class. "Is that a cartilage piercing?"

"Hmm... I've been feeling quite bold this week. In fact, I might just tell Sister Yvette to raise her hand before speaking to me."

Isabelle squinted her eyes at Robin who appeared to be contemplating it while observing Sister Yvette.

She isn't that bold.



With a shake of her head, Isabelle snapped out of it and went straight to the task on hand. Sister Yvette assigned a project to the class and she was unlucky enough to be paired with Robin. They ought to create something that represents the meaning of life and present it afterwards. The presentation was due next week but Isabelle figured that the faster they accomplished it, the less stress she'll have to go through.

"How about we work separately and then show each other what we've got after." The student council president suggested in hopes to spend less time around Robin. The mere existence of the girl near her threatens to strip the carefully preserved control she had in her life and she didn't need any of that.

But of course, Robin doesn't understand any of it. Or perhaps she merely couldn't care less. "Nu-uh Isabelle. We'll work on this together."

Exhaling an unnecessarily loud sigh, Isabelle stood up and motioned for Robin to follow her with a curl of her finger.

Like the obedient dog that she is, Robin followed right behind the other girl. "Where are we going?"

"To my house," Isabelle simply stated as she looked around for her driver, but the silence that followed made her stare at Robin with a certain degree of expectation.


"Aren't you going to say something like 'take me out on a date first'?"

The shorter girl merely shrugged. "Well, there's really no need to take me out on a date. We could just go straight to fucking and I'd be more than happy."

Tilting her head, Isabelle watched Robin rock back and forth as if she just made a casual comment about the weather and thought to herself, What a shameless human being.

A honk followed by the opening of the car door snapped Isabelle from her trance. Her driver stood, opening the door for the two girls to enter the backseat. "Good afternoon Miss Isabelle, and her friend."

"Good afternoon Mark."

"Hey, Mr. Mark. Nice to meet you," Robin greeted, before making herself comfortable in the backseat.

Isabelle instructed the driver to take them home and reassured him that her father was already made aware of the surprise visit from a friend.

The drive was surprisingly quiet and it was somewhat unsettling to Isabelle. She couldn't help but to glance at the other girl who was looking out the window. It was the golden hour and as the light reached Robin's hazel hair, a sudden, overwhelming, wave of softness and warmth enveloped her. And at that moment, Isabelle wondered, could it be that angels had brown hair too? And if so, did it look as divine as Robin's whenever the streaks of sunlight settles upon it? It would only make sense if such was the case.

The student council president had to force herself to stop her train of thoughts as it was about to cross a dangerous territory where one can never come out of. She couldn't be left alone with her thoughts for too long, she had to make Robin talk. "So," she cleared her throat, "What do you think is the meaning of life? I was thinking we could photograph a representation of it or something similar for the presentation."

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