Dead pig with beans

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Carrie tugged Robin straight to Sister Joslyn's office once they arrived at the school's premises. Robin briefly wondered what her best friend did to land her in her current predicament. Morning prayers during the assembly were usually conducted by seniors, only occasionally by juniors. Given Carrie's reputation in the school, the latter must've irritated or somehow disrespected (sisters can be quite dramatic) Sister Joslyn.

A prayer book was handed out to Carrie with a specific instruction to "Just read. No singing, no dancing, no juggling, no anything. Just read, can you do that?" And with a nod, the pair went on their way to the auditorium.

Before they reach the stairs, Carrie abruptly stopped, causing Robin to bump into her. A hand clenched her uniform, pulling her closer to the threatening blue eyes of her best friend. "You can't--I'm serious. You can't smile, laugh, nor look at me while I'm up there." She always had a problem with laughing during inappropriate times and this time, she swore not to fuck it up.

"I won't."

"I'll kill you, Yates."

"I won't! Now go!" Pushing her friend away, Robin watched as Carrie sauntered towards the backstage before turning around herself to find a seat.

Startled at the woman right in front of her, Robin smiled it off. "Hey sis."

"It's Sister Yvette for you." Sister Yvette has never liked her. Well, all of the sisters never did, though of course, it wasn't a surprise as Robin questioned their beliefs constantly, driving them to the brink of madness.

"I meant older sister."

"I'm not your older sister."

"But you said we're all children of God. So, technically, you're my older sister."

"Dear lord," Sister Yvette muttered, closing her eyes for a brief second. "Go to your seat."

With only a minute left before the morning assembly begins, the auditorium was already filled with students, leaving only a few seats available. Eagle eyes caught sight of the vacant chair beside the Student Council President, and so Robin did not waste any time claiming it.

"Good--I'm guessing you didn't have a good morning. You look rough," Robin commented at the sight of Isabelle's puffy eyes and deeper than usual frown but was ignored. "Don't worry, I like rough," She attempted to joke but failing to receive any reaction from the girl beside her.

The screeching of the microphone followed by a clearing of throat resonated within the four walls of the room once the national anthem ended. Everybody followed as Carrie made the sign of the cross.

"Heavenly father, today we give you our hearts, our minds and our lives." Carrie briefly looked up from the prayer book, immediately regretting it once her sight instantly caught Robin's, whose lips pursed and eyes twinkled with mischief. Trying to get rid of her best friend's face out of her mind, Carrie read the next sentence, "Come--" Only to unconsciously glance back up, meeting those brown eyes that she would very much like to gauge at the moment. Carrie coughed before continuing.

"Come speak your words of life into our beings. We pray" Her throat tightened at the last word, making her voice high pitched, as the first grin broke out. Still, she fought it with a bite on her lips.

This was all Robin's fault. If only the idiot that is her best friend obeyed her wish to be serious, she wouldn't be making a fool of herself especially now as a snort came out of her when Robin's shoulder started shaking, laughing silently.

Carrie needed to laugh. She desperately needed to get it out of her.

"That you would deepen--" Her voice finally cracked and she let herself laugh so much that the other students started laughing discreetly with her. Carrie's laugh got to the point where the others couldn't differentiate whether she's laughing or crying. She was doing both. She laughed because of her best friend and she cried for her dignity.

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