Wasteland, baby!

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Sleep eluded Isabelle for the following days ensuing that particular Sunday mass. It wouldn't have been out of the ordinary if only it wasn't much worse. She'd gone two days straight without sleep and on Wednesday and Thursday, she'd barely gotten three hours' worth.

She'd stare at the open door all night, time passing by her until the first streaks of the sun peeks between her curtains. Usually, Robin's vinyl record or playlist would ease her to sleep but not this time around. Isabelle decided that if sleep doesn't come to her later that night, she would finally make use of the sleeping pills Robin gave her.

The fact that her father has been on edge since he came home from his meeting didn't help put her mind at ease. He'd been shouting during phone calls, slamming doors, and glaring at the house helpers. His anger was never directed at her but still, Isabelle felt the need to occupy the least space possible, to barely make any noise, and to really just move around the house without anyone noticing her.

It was exhausting, but all she could do is wait until it passed. Isabelle knew that she'll get through it somehow. She always does.

That Friday, a teacher's conference was scheduled, leaving the students to go home after lunch. Isabelle knew that her father wasn't due to come home until late at night so when Robin invited her over to their house, she didn't have any reason to decline. And truthfully, she couldn't wait until the next day to be with Robin.

They went their separate ways first after school so that Isabelle could change into a more comfortable clothing. Once she arrived at Robin's house, she was surprised by the abundance of food on the dining table. It was practically a feast. "Is anyone else joining us?"

Isabelle took off her bag, placing it on the counter before walking over to where Robin stood arranging the utensils.

"Nope. I just noticed you haven't been eating much during lunch. I thought I could cook you something really good and force you to eat."

Feeling warmth inside her chest, Isabelle turned Robin around and wrapped her arms around the shorter girl, leaning her head on the latter's shoulder. Isabelle found it incredible how just being around the shorter girl made her feel more at home than she ever did in her house. If she could just cuff herself to Robin, it would've made her life more bearable. "What a good housewife, you are."

"Yeah? I'm practicing." Robin's voice was laced with obvious amusement and Isabelle couldn't help but nuzzle her face on the crook of the brunette's neck and just breathe in the latter's scent like it was her expensive scented candle.

"Did you just sniff me?" Robin asked, clearly perplexed. The taller girl, on the other hand, couldn't care less as she merely hummed and went to place a kiss on the soft skin of Robin's neck. She'd get embarrassed about how clingy she's being later, but for now, she just needed a hug from her favorite person.

Once Isabelle got her fill of affection, they pulled apart and took a seat across each other. The food was as delicious as it looked and smelled, and the fact that it was made by a cute little chef was a huge bonus. She wished she was able to watch Robin cook around the kitchen with her apron. "I didn't know you could cook."

"I can't." Robin swallowed before replying.

"Then? Did you order it?"

"No, I made it. I suck at cooking so I had to like, practice making it with my dad. Took me three tries."

The taller girl bit her lip, placing her hand on top of Robin's. "Thank you for the food. It was really delicious."

Robin smirked with a raise of an eyebrow. "I know." She really did work hard on it. There was no way she was going to feed Isabelle half-assed food. While her dad was teaching her, he proudly claimed that he once was terrible at cooking but when he got married to a woman who was a complete disaster in the kitchen, he had to step up and learn diligently.

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