I don't want to be taken from a man's rib

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"Did you know that there was a mistranslation in genesis? Apparently eve was created from one of Adam's rib, right?" Robin leaned across the dining table, looking at everyone one at a time for the sake of suspense. "Well, It was a mistranslation. Eve was actually from Adam's baculum— which is penis bone, by the way— and that's why human males don't have them anymore unlike other mammals and primates."

A certain green-eyed beauty wasn't impressed, rolling her eyes as she took a small bite of the baby back ribs— the thing that brought up Robin's nonsense. "Stop spreading lies."

"I'm just saying, it's a possible theory. You can ask God what he actually meant once you die. He's very confusing."

"Yes, because you can't ask him since you're obviously going to hell."

"Obviously. Keep up Isabelle." Robin gave the perplexed girl with a 'duh' before continuing with her meal. How the hell does it taste so good?

"Ugh you're so stupid."

"Ouch. Alexa, turn my feelings off."

Sitting immediately to the right of Robin, Lexa smacked the former's head as she wondered how long this Alexa joke will go on.

To give context, the band was practicing at Noelle's house. Carrie tagged along as usual while Isabelle surprisingly came while they were practicing one of their songs. She claimed that she was there to protect her cousin, Noelle from the "spawn of satan" herself.

After polishing their fourth song, a short break ensued and Carrie took this time to confront her best friend, pulling her to the kitchen while everybody ate snacks in the living room.

"Tell me honestly, what's your plan?" The blonde tapped her fingers on the counter, squinting her eyes in suspicion. "Are you planning to make her fall in love with you then break her heart? Is that it?"

Robin scoffed, placing her hand on her chest like a true drama queen. "I'm offended you think I'm that cliché. Like, really offended."

"So what is it?"

Carrie was getting impatient. Ever since Robin told her "Change of plans, we don't hate Isabelle anymore." without an explanation she hasn't been able to pinpoint her best friend's intentions. It wasn't like she could fall in love with her childhood enemy out of the blue, couldn't she? It was simply impossible.

But the brunette just shrugged, leaning on the counter beside her best friend. "Nothing. I genuinely like her."

Although Carrie didn't say anything, Robin can feel her eyes seemingly searching for lies. But no matter how hard she looks, she won't find any. "I'm serious."

"What about Yohan?"

"What about her?"

Carrie rolled her eyes, not wanting to get into this immature conversation once again.

"We've both moved on." Another shrug and Carrie was left to think that maybe she was thinking too much about this. Robin only liked Isabelle, not like she loves her or anything. It was just a crush. So she let it go, choosing to believe her best friend.

The two joined the others, squeezing themselves in the already crowded couch but no one really minded.

"Carrie, you have a bruise on your jaw. Do you want help with that? I can get you some ice if you're hurting." Noelle's angelic voice pulled Carrie from her nonsensical conversation with Juno. As the realization hit her, her face turned beet red, attempting to cover the hickey she was definitely not aware about. How could Robin not point it out!

"It's a hickey, Noelle. You know? From when someone sucks--" Robin didn't get to finish her sentence when a throwpillow hit her directly on the face.

"Stop corrupting my cousin!" Isabelle marched from her love seat and pulled Noelle from the couch, shielding her from the two. "Three meters Robin, three meters!"

A soft chuckle was heard behind her. "I know what a hickey means. Izzy don't be mean."

"Yes, Izzy. Don't be mean." Robin mocked, earning a harsh glare from the student council president.

On the other hand, Carrie's face was still pink from what happened. She wouldn't have cared if it was anyone but it wasn't just anyone, it was Noelle. Noelle for god's sake. 

Author's note

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Author's note

Just a short update 'cause i needed a break from uni. Been stressed out lately and I couldn't even count how many breakdowns I had these past few weeks. I really hope your days are better than mine :)

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