I pulled a Jesus

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Robin was hit by a car.

It was a Thursday morning and she was testing out the new bicycle that her dad bought for her. She had been asking her parents for a car so when her father excitedly called her to the garage that morning saying he got her a present, she really thought they got her one. It wasn't; It was a bicycle. Her mother laughed at her.

Robin wasn't really disappointed. The bicycle was pretty cute and environmentally friendly as her father aggressively advertised.

Robin was thinking about how pretty her hair must have looked with the cool air hitting her while she rode her bicycle to school, when all of a sudden, a car came out of nowhere.

Whether it came out of nowhere is actually debatable, but Robin will swear it was if asked.

The car hit her bicycle, sending her crashing into the windshield before she rolled down unto the ground where she laid still for a second, debating whether she should pretend to be unconscious.

Fuck. This is embarrassing.

Opening one eye, she saw people looking at her, whispering amongst themselves. Yeah, nope. There was no way she was going to play dead.

Robin hurriedly stood up, picking her bicycle with her and dashing out of the scene before anyone can even help her.

"Hey, kid! Are you okay?!" The driver shouted but Robin was already almost out of sight.

There was still 15 minutes left when she arrived at her school so she rushed towards her locker, checking herself out on the mirror taped at the back of her locker door, making sure that it looked like nothing happened.

When Robin finally closed her locker, she was greeted by a grinning Juno.

The brunette waited for her bandmate to say something but when several seconds went by and not a word was uttered, she squinted her eyes. "What?"

Juno grinned wider. "I saw what happened."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Robin hoped her glare was enough to wipe the irritating grin off of the other girl but it didn't do anything. "Oh, piss off!" She stomped off to her classroom, hearing Juno laugh at her expense. The day had just started and she was already regretting coming to class. Not even the gorgeous girl in front of her could stop her from scowling.

Isabelle had her arms crossed as she stared down the shorter girl. She wouldn't tell anyone but when Robin didn't show up on Tuesday she almost contacted the girl out of worry but then she saw a tweet from Robin that said: If others can do it, then good for them. Well, at least she's still alive. "You missed three days of school. What happened?"

"I pulled a Jesus, that's what," Robin grumbled, which was weird to Isabelle. She never grumbled at her.

"What do you mean you--oh."

Robin didn't say anything else as she sat down on her chair.

Isabelle was out of her element. She did not know how to handle a grumpy Robin.

Observing the other girl, the student council president noticed several scratches on Robin's arm, some of which looked a bit deep. It was concerning, really. So many possible reasons as to what happened to Robin ran through Isabelle's head. Did she get involved in a cat fight? A literal cat fight? Isabelle wouldn't put it past Robin.

Isabelle's mind was full of worry, especially when she noticed that the scratches looked fresh. Rolling her eyes at her own concern, she walked towards her bag and pulled out a box of band aids, throwing it on the other girl's desk.

At the light but sharp thud on her table, Robin flinched slightly. Before she can say anything, however, Isabelle already turned around as she strode to her own desk.

Robin stared at the band aids in front of her then to her scratched arms.

Well, okay. Maybe the day isn't too bad after all.

 Maybe the day isn't too bad after all

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"I'm craving something unholy today."

The cafeteria was already buzzing once Robin and Carrie took their seats on their table. Robin's bandmates were taking too long getting them food.

"What's new?" Carrie deadpanned.

The brunette squinted her eyes. "You're supposed to ask me what."

"What then?"

"Sex, obviously."

"Wanna fuck? I don't have anything to do after school."

At the suggestion, Robin groaned, hitting her head on the table. "I can't anymore. I feel like I'm cheating on Isabelle." The two best friends would occasionally indulge in sex but it stopped recently, what with Carrie going out on dates and Robin liking Isabelle more and more.

"Want me to print a picture of her face and stick it to mine while we fuck?"

Lifting her head from the table, Robin took out a coin from her skirt's pocket and presented it to her best friend. "Watch closely." Robin quickly snapped her fingers and with it, the coin vanished. Reaching behind Carrie's ear, Robin feigned surprise, "Oh, what's this?"

Carrie watched warily as Robin pulled back, showing her the middle finger instead of the missing coin.

Groaning, the younger girl slapped the offending hand away.

Meanwhile, in the coordinator's office, Isabelle joined Sister Julie in planning the annual senior camping trip, which was set the week after. Most of the preparations were already done and all that's left is partnering up the students. Sister Julie had randomly partnered the 12th year students and normally, Isabelle wouldn't care about who's with who but when her eyes zeroed in on Robin Yates and Yohan Levin together, she knew she had to do something.

"Sister Julie, if I may, I would like to suggest partnering Miss Yates with me instead. She can be quite the troublemaker, If you remember what happened during the educational trip last year," Isabelle shook her head with a grimace to add effect, "I can watch over her and keep her in line if need be."

"Yes, I agree. We certainly wouldn't want that to happen again." Sister Julie visibly shudder at the flashbacks.

Isabelle smiled in satisfaction as she edited the names. Robin will end up annoying Yohan nonstop if they were partnered. Isabelle was merely protecting her best friend from Robin. Yes, that's certainly it.

 Yes, that's certainly it

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Author's note

I know it's short but I thought I should at least update since I won't be able to for the next two weeks. I have several term papers that I haven't started yet (Fuck I know). See you in a couple of weeks. I have a feeling you guys are gonna enjoy the next chapters 😈

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