Spawn of Satan

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Isabelle picked out a plain white sweater that should match her light blue jeans. Unfortunately for her, tutoring duty calls and so she had to allot her Saturday for her academically challenged classmate. Isabelle grumbled about how wasteful it is to spend her favorite day for Robin all the while she prepared her things. The dread hasn't left her since yesterday when she learned that the library will be closed today, to which Robin eagerly suggested they study at her house instead. Well, not really suggested, more like the girl messaged her with the address and time.

"Where are you going?" Isabelle's father, Nicholas, peeked from his morning news paper, giving his daughter a stern look.

"I'm tutoring a classmate today."

"Good. Be sure to tutor whoever it is where a lot of people can see you."

Publicity. All he can think about is publicity. Isabelle felt like a performer in a circus every time his father talks to her. It isn't even election period, why does she have to be seen in public doing charity work?

Sighing, Isabelle turned around to head to the car waiting for her to take her to hell.

Sighing, Isabelle turned around to head to the car waiting for her to take her to hell

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"You're a boring bitch."

The green-eyed girl whipped her head towards the girl on her left who had her head on her palm, clearly judging Isabelle. "Excuse me?"


With a scoff, Isabelle slapped the pen on the table before crossing her arms. "I can be fun. I am fun."


"Yes, really."

Robin stood up and knelt down the floor in front of the bed before reaching underneath it to pull out a box. Placing it on the floor where Isabelle can see it clearly, Robin pulled out a pair of light up sneakers just like the one she used during P.E.


Smirking, Robin took out the pair of shoes. "See? Boring."

Isabelle's mind keeps telling her to not allow Robin to be smug and right and so the turmoil inside of her is driving her nuts. Robin was driving her nuts. "Fine."

"We're going out?"

Isabelle threw her a glare while she wore the shoes. It was ridiculous. "No! You're pushing it, Yates."


Robin watched in anticipation as Isabelle finished tying the shoelaces.

With one stomp of her foot (more like tap), the lights brightly twinkled and Isabelle couldn't help but laugh at how childish it is. She would never admit it to anyone but she plans on wearing it inside her room once she gets home.


"Yeah, it's kind of cute, I admit."



"I was talking about you by the way, not the shoes. I mean, the shoes are cute too but you're adorable."

Robin's words paired with her goofy smile made Isabelle's face turn bright red, much to her satisfaction. "You know, you should stop worrying about what other people think. That's just who they are anyway- other people."

"Easier said than done."

"True, but that's why you practice. Little by little, you know?"

Robin shrugged, looking down and picking the threads of her bedsheet, missing the look of admiration that briefly passed Isabelle's face.

"You're a spawn of satan," Isabelle whispered harshly at the girl next to her

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"You're a spawn of satan," Isabelle whispered harshly at the girl next to her. She found herself having lunch with the Yates family due to the incessant nagging of Robin's mother. She couldn't say no.

Robin's father gasped and looked at his wife. "Honey, did she just call me Satan?"

"Yes, I believe she did."

In horror, Isabelle stopped to swallow the food she was chewing to poorly attempt to back track her words. "Oh- No! I did not me-"

"You could just say that Robin is adopted. Then you won't be called Satan. Problem solved."


"What? You could've been adopted, you know?"

"Dad." Robin whined at her dad. .

"You're not adopted, love, don't worry."

Watching Robin's father kiss her daughter on the side of her head made Isabelle clench her fist and look away. Robin had something that she could've had but didn't. Why God gave her to her family, if you can even call it that, she haven't got a clue. In that moment, Isabelle doubted whether all of the events leading up to this day is really a part of His plan or is it all just luck?

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