Robin this, Robin that

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Year 12 students assembled at the auditorium on a Wednesday afterschool to decorate for the mid-semester awarding ceremony on Friday. While the year 12 students including the volunteers from other levels, create some giant flowers out of papers, Robin and her bandmates stood on the stage practicing for their performance on the said event. The Sisters have not forgotten the incident when the band sang an inappropriate song and had to drag them not a minute before they even started, but after hearing the other bands from the lower years, they did not have any choice.

And so the band grudgingly practiced a worship song chosen by Sister Yvette. The practice was going well until a loud gasp from the microphone was heard throughout the auditorium, making the students pause and follow Robin's line of sight. At the double door of the auditorium stood Isabelle, confused by all of the attention she was getting.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in my bed?"

Of course. Of course it's that idiot again. What did she ever do to deserve this?

Isabelle slammed the doors, followed by an eruption of laughter from her batchmates.

"Did you hear what she said?" Isabelle angrily whispered once she reached Yohan, who was cutting up a paper to make it look like a petal.

Yohan grinned. "Everybody heard it."

The brunette groaned while she grabbed a scissors and a paper, taking her irritation out on the poor paper. "It's so embarrassing! I can take it when it's just us, you know? But broadcasting her crude jokes in front of everyone? She's crossing the line!"

Isabelle then proceeds to rant about the singer in front of the stage, too distracted to properly do her task at hand. It bothered her how easily Robin can get under her skin, to make her lose control with mere words.

"Oh my god Isabelle! I can't. I can't do this anymore." Yohan groaned, slamming the scissors on the table.

Finally stopping from her long rant, Isabelle turned to her best friend. "What are you talking about?"

"Robin this robin that. My ears are bleeding!"

"You're my best friend you have to listen. Plus, she's your ex, I'm sure you know how annoying she is."

"She isn't."

The brunette gasped before narrowing her eyes. "Don't tell me you're still in love with Robin hood?"

"No, Isabelle, I'm not. We're over." Yohan doesn't really know why she keeps on denying her feelings for her ex. Perhaps to lessen the blow when her best friend does realize that she's into Robin, perhaps not. But there's really no point in telling anyone about her feelings when they're not together anymore.

Isabelle crossed her arms, frowning. "Then why are you defending her?"

"I'm not. You just talk too much about Robin. Makes it seem like you have a crush on her."

"Disgusting! Don't ever say that!"

Yohan can only raise an eyebrow as she watched her best friend walk away without saying a word, a clear denial of her obvious interest on the girl singing on stage. Sooner or later she would realize anyway, and so Yohan merely shrugged and continued her work.

By then the band have already finished their rehearsals and were helping out with the decoration. Robin took over the banner, filling out the letters with glitters. The tedious task took her half an hour to complete and when she does finish it, she stood over the banner, admiring her work. "Pretty like me." Robin took the corners of it and lifted it up, only for the glitters to fall on the floor, leaving none on the letters. She forgot to put glue first.

"Useless like you."

Whipping her head to the rude person, she saw Sister Yvette shaking her head. "Are you even allowed to say that?"

"You're in the clean up duty now."

"It's all part of God's plan. You shouldn't punish me for it, Sister."

"You made a mistake, you make up for it."

Letting go of the paper, Robin crossed her arms. "How is that when something good happens it's because of God, but when something bad happens, it's your fault?"

"Because of free will, Miss Yates."

Robin raised her finger, prepared to give a full-blown speech about how people don't really have free will. "Actually-- Ooh are those Roll-ups?"

Yohan extended her arm, offering the candy. "Yeah, want one?"

"Yes, please."

Sister Yvette shook her head as she watched Robin give her complete focus on the candy. Eyeing the mess on the floor, she noticed a blonde from another level pasting a paper on a cardboard. "You. Clean this up and fix it. Put glue first."

"Why me?!" Carrie looked up to the Sister from the floor.

Sister Yvette only squinted at her then left to criticize the poorly made flowers.

Carrie rolled her eyes, groaning as she rearranged the paper and started sweeping the glitters into pile using a paper.

"Hey, babe." The culprit sat beside her with a candy, grinning like a kid.

Glaring at her best friend, the blonde shoved the paper she used to sweep the glitters to Robin's chest. "This is your mess! Fix it!"

"Geez. Okay. No need to get angry."

Carrie rolled her eyes once again, huffing as she went back to the flower she was making. What was she even doing there volunteering? Oh, right. Robin promised to give her the answer keys on an assignment from when she was in year 11 if she volunteered.

Minutes of silence passed with the two focusing on the task on hand. They were nearly done when Carrie spoke up, telling Robin how she was sort of seeing someone but they did not establish labels just yet.

"Well, can I meet him?" Robin crossed her arms, frowning at the thought of her best friend dating someone. None of the catholic boys Carrie's dated deserved her. Why her best friends attract those kind of males escapes her. If only she could actually meet them and have a threatening session that will leave them scarred for life, she would have done so already. But Carrie refuses to let her meet the person she's dating unless they've been dating for a month already. And well, let's just say Robin has only met one out of the many.

"I told you. One month."

Robin was going to protest when she heard a group of girls snickering at them. She would've let it slide but then she heard the word "Slut" directed at her best friend.

Robin stood up from the floor, staring down the three girls before zeroing in on Delilah, the girl in the middle. "Jealous you're not getting some?"

"Premarital sex is a sin."

"Huh. Funny you say that when I caught you at the parking lot last week." With a condescending look, Robin watched as Delilah squirmed.

The girl on Delilah's right, Candice, turned towards their friend. "Which parking lot?"

"Wendy's," Robin supplied, grinning at the drama she's stirring up.

The two of Delilah's friends gasped, looking utterly betrayed.

"Were you-- I can't believe this."

"I thought we were vegans now?!"

"How dare you? Sneaking out like that?"


"Oh, don't worry you guys. Delilah was having a different kind of meat," Robin pretended to whisper to Delilah's two friends, desperately wanting to laugh.

Jane, the other friend, crossed her arms. "It's still meat!"

"Hear that Delilah? Still meat. Guess you're not off the hook." Robin let our the laugh she was holding, leaned in to the three and pretended to whisper, "Sinner."

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