Wrath of an old testament God

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Nicholas sat frozen on his office chair once his daughter walked out of the room.

Minutes ago, Isabelle had barged in demanding attention while he was on a phone call. The uncharacteristic intrusion from his daughter made him pause and urged him to finish the call faster.

Isabelle talked the whole time, dropping revelations after revelations, not letting him speak. Well, it wasn't as though he could come up with something even if Isabelle let him.

All of Nicholas' worries over his campaign faded away, replaced with words he wished he never have heard. The sentences played on repeat, circling his mind lap after lap. Still, it took him minutes, perhaps even hours, after his daughter slammed the door to process what was actually said.

His daughter--

Nicholas shook his head, as if by doing so he could erase the imagery.

That fucking bastard.

It was only when he felt his hands go numb did he realize how hard he was clenching his fist. A lump formed in his throat, daring him to let out a noise, but he held it in like he always did. Nicholas took a deep breath, a poor attempt at keeping control of his emotions as he reached for the gun in the drawer.

Standing up, Nicholas' legs slightly wobbled on his way to lock his office door. The very first sob came out of his mouth right at the moment he pushed the lock. Quickly, he placed a hand over his mouth, trying to muffle the evidence refuting his past claims of manliness.

But he wasn't strong. He'd never been strong and he knew it. He knew it as his back hit the door and he slid against it until he was sitting on the floor. Even his legs were too weak to hold him up.

His mother always paraded the fact that he had never been a fussy child—rarely ever cried even when he was a baby. As Nicholas sat sobbing against his office door, however, he wondered if the uncontrollable gut wrenching cries he was letting out were the accumulation of all the hurt and tears he kept inside since he came into the world.

Nicholas clutched the shirt against his chest, feeling physical pain from his heart. He had always thought that heartbreak was merely an exaggeration but at that moment he felt silly-- for he could literally feel his heart being stabbed by tiny needles at the thought of the priest he trusted, sitting inside his daughter's bedroom, masturbating in front of his daughter— his baby girl, right under his fucking roof.

He should've held her. Should've read her bedtime stories. Not fucking let an old man who promised to pray for his child sit inside her bedroom unsupervised.

Stupid. He was so fucking stupid.

What have I done?

When the last of his tears dried up, Nicholas decided that he wasn't going to wait for judgement day. There was no waiting for the gates of hell to open up for that bastard. He was going to personally drag hell itself to that fucking priest, show him the wrath of an old testament God.

Anger coursed through him as he picked himself up, opened the door, and trudged towards his parked car with only a gun in hand. Anger at himself. Anger at that bastard. Anger at the God who let it happen— the very God he worshipped.

All Nicholas could see was red as he drove to the church where he knew that piece of shit was still at. The last mass for the day ended half an hour ago and it was likely that the priest he was looking for was just about to lock up.

True to his assumptions, Nicholas found the old man alone closing the kneeler of one of the pews. The mayor locked the front doors, attracting the attention of the priest.

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