Half human half seahorse

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Robin and Carrie sat at one of the benches in the school's field, killing time before the start of their first class. It was the Monday after the camping trip and Robin has been buzzing in anticipation of telling her best friend of what transpired during the trip.

"Guess who I just kissed."

"Your mom."

"Eew. What the fuck?"

"Oh. No! It was supposed to be--"

Rolling her eyes, Robin flicked Carrie's forehead. "Isabelle. I kissed Isabelle. Well, she kissed me. During camp."

The blonde gasped at the news, pushing Robin roughly. "You hoe!"

The two best friends stared at each other for a second before squealing and slapping each other's arms. Robin has been itching to tell Carrie over the phone the morning after Isabelle kissed her but she was able to hold off as she wanted to tell Carrie in person.

"Do you think Isabelle would be up for a threesome?"

"No, I don't share," A voice behind them suddenly joined their conversation, causing the two to flinch.

Isabelle stopped in front of Robin, grabbing her hand and placing a folded piece of paper in the palm of her hands before sauntering away, leaving Carrie and Robin staring after her.

"She's definitely topping you."

Robin merely rolled her eyes, not bothering to respond as she was too eager to find out what was written on the folded paper.

Meet me at the chapel during lunch.

And so when the lunch bell rang, Robin found herself standing in front of the school's chapel. The building was detached from the school, situated near the back of the lot surrounded by the gardens. Setting aside her beliefs, or the lack thereof, Robin had always admired the architectural beauty of churches. She would've actually enjoyed attending the Friday masses if it was held at their chapel instead of the local church.

The wooden double doors of the chapel were tall and heavy as she pushed it slightly open and slipped inside. It was quite dark and the space was only illuminated by the light coming through the stained glass windows that surrounded the chapel. Robin glanced up the ceiling like she always does when entering and was about to admire the paintings when a hand gripped her tie and pulled her towards the altar.

Robin didn't say anything as Isabelle pushed her inside the confessional by the right of the altar. Not a second later, Isabelle sat on the other side of the booth, facing forward. Robin wasn't entirely sure what the agenda was but she waited patiently for the other girl to say the first word but considering the incessant tapping on the wood coming from the other side, she guessed that it would take a while.

It has been a long since she's been inside the confessional. The school delegates a specific day for each year level annually but Robin has been quietly sneaking out once she reached sophomore year. It was fruitless anyway. It wasn't as though she remembered every sin she committed and she wasn't stupid enough to give the priest blackmail material. For all she knows the priest could be a snitch.

"Were you able to do our statistics homework?" Isabelle's voice startled Robin out of her malicious thoughts.

The shorter girl shifted to face Isabelle, who was already looking at her. "Why do they bother putting this divider when you can clearly see from the other side? This is stupid." Robin shook her head, followed by a series of blinks when she realized how much her thoughts deviated. "Anyway, do you really want to talk about homework? We only have 30 minutes left for lunch and I don't know about you but I'd still want to eat."

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