Me: Why was he out yesterday?

Tsukauchi: Did he tell you something?

Me: No, he refused to tell us anythi-




Did he just put down the phone on me?

Did he really just do this?!



I once again called him but this time I was straight going to the voice box and I started to get annoyed so I called Sansa. That cat police officer knew something for sure too. Plus he was a lot easier to deal with than our friend Tsukauchi.

Sansa: Hewo Mic, Nya.

Me: Hey Sansa, I hoped you can tell me something about the lates things going on.

Sansa: Oh we are just busy with the recent murder case, why Nya?

Me: Oh we are trying to help out our own son Parallax.

Sansa: I see. Tell him we found the Skinner and are currently on our way there.

Me: The skiner?

Sansa: Mh, Nya! He brought us some blood sample from the crime scene which we didn't see. Nya!

Me: I see.

Sansa: Anyways we are abo-

Tsukauchi: Is that Mic on the phone?

Sansa: Yes, Sir, Nya!

Tsukauchi: PUT HIM DOWN NOW!

Sansa: Nya?

Tsukauchi: Parallax didn't approve of this! DO IT!

Sansa: Oh, Nya.




The hell...



They are backing a vigilante up but not a hero.

This is new.

Seems like he really saved all their lives.

That is quite the accomplishment.

I am sure he is a great vigilante but damn.

The Skinner?

He is going after that monster of a human on his own.

While I was starting to think what just happened and what is going on, I saw a coffe and a hand which put it right in front of me.

Aizawa: You need one too.

Me: Sure do.

Aizawa: Found anything out?

Me: Other than the police station is backing him up more than you think, yes.

Aizawa: What?

Me: He is going after the Skinner.

Aizawa: He what?

Me: I talked to Tsukauchi but guess what?

Aizawa: *sigh*

Me: Okay that is good enough of a guess for me. Our friend just hang up on me the moment I told him that Izu doesn't want us to know about this.

Aizawa: And?

Me: I called Sansa since you know that guy and how talkative he is.

Aizawa: Mh.

Me: Well he told me that our little listener just went out last night to look at the crime scene. He apparently found something the police missed and on that there was a blood sample too. They found the person and are now on the wa-

Izuku: They found them?!

Did I notice the little listener sneaking up on us?


Otherwise I would for sure not just said what I said. Not only that but the little listener looked at me and Shoto was if we just did something bad. It wasn't like this and before I knew it, he was running up the stairs again.

Aizawa: *sigh*

Me: I thought he was upstairs.

Aizawa: He was.... 

Me: Did you hear him sneak up?

Aizawa: .... no....

Me: Outstealthed a stealth hero huh... He has some talent.

Aizawa: I know.

Me: What do we do?

Aizawa: Be ready for when he needs us.

Me: Really?! Can't we-

Aizawa: No. Zashi, we are his parents now. We can't force him.

Me: I know...

Aizawa: You said it yourself. The police is backing him up so he isn't alone.

Me: That's not enough.

Aizawa: Don't worry about him. He will be fine. Believe in our problem child.

Me: Where do you get all the confidence Sho?

Aizawa: Saw what the kid can do.

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