" Aren't you coming? What's wrong? " Luke asked and put his arm over my shoulders.

" Nothing, lets go " I said and we walked to the park where Beau and Jai were sitting on the grass in the shade under a tree. I sat down beside Jai and Luke sat down in between me and Beau so we were sitting in a circle.

" Back to L.A. tomorrow "Luke sighed breaking the silence.

" Yup " Beau said and nodded slightly.

" Aren't you exited? " I asked nobody in particular.

" Not really " Jai said and started picking at the grass.

" We're on the same flight right? " I asked.

" Yeh, you're actually sitting beside Beau " Luke said with a grin. I had to stop myself from groaning so I rolled my eyes and looked over at Beau who was starring at me.
I raised my eyebrows as to say 'what' and Beau did the same. I rolled my eyes again before falling back and lying down in the grass.

" When will Morgan be here? " Jai asked and looked at me.

" She texted me she'll be here in like ten minutes, she got out of the lunch early " I said and moved around so I was now lying in my stomach and facing them.
We basically sat there in silence or just small talked until I heard a familiar voice from behind me. I turned my head and saw Morgan looking amazing.

" Hey you look amazing " I said as stood up to hug her.

" Thank you " She smile. Her naturally straight, blond hair was now wavy and she was wearing a navy blue summer dress with a white and pink floral print from brandi melville and she was wearing a pair of black wedges.

" How was lu- " I began but was cut off by my phone ringing. " Sorry " I said and answered the phone as I walked away from the others.
" Hello? " I said into the phone.

" Hi honey, I'm at the airport right now " My mums stressed voice said.

" What? " I asked confused.

" I have to go to Sydney for work " She said.

" So you won't be here to say goodbye tomorrow? You know you won't see me until Christmas then right? " I said trying my best not to scream and keep in the tears.

" I know but it's an emergency " My mum said.

" Whatever. Thanks for the goodbye " I said annoyed into the phone before hanging up on her. I didn't care thus I wasn't going to see her until Christmas, I was still going to be mad at her.
I walked back over to the others and saw that Morgan had sat down where I was sitting in between Luke and Jai. The only place to sit was between Luke and Beau. I sat down and let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

" Can I stay at your house tonight? " I asked Luke.

" Sure! Don't you want to stay with your mom tho? " Luke asked surprised.

" She's in Sydney " I said blankly.

" Oh... I'm sorry " Luke said trying to comfort me.

" I'm going home to pack the last of my stuff and I'll be over at yours whenever I'm done " I said and got up and brushed som dirt of my jeans.

" Ok text me " Luke said and I nodded.

" Bye Morgan " I said and she stood up and we hugged for a long time.

" I'll see you soon " Morgan said and we both pulled away from the hug.

" Yeh, bye " I said and waved.
When I got home I packed the last of my stuff and made sure I didn't forget anything.


*riiiing riiiiing*
The alarm clock rang and out of habit I lifted my arm and hit my phone but this morning I didn't hit the phone.

" Fuck " I heard someone groan. I opened my eyes and saw Jai beside me.

" Oh my god Jai I'm so sorry I forgot and... oh my god " I rushed my words.

" Livy calm down " Jai said and turned the alarm of.
He stretched out his arms and placed one on me and pulled me into a hug.

" GET UP CUNTS! " Beau shouted as he burst into the room.

" Go away " Luke groaned from the top bunk.

" Oi Luke we're leaving in thirty minutes " Jai said. When I heard that I got up and grabbed the clothes I left out and walked to the bathroom. I put on my black leggings and a grey hoody that was Jais and I wore my white low top converse. I brushed my hair and put it up into a ponytail. I didn't bother doing my makeup because I wasn't going to wear makeup on a flight that long. I unlocked the bathroom door and walked out only to walk straight into someone's hard chest. I looked up and saw Beau.

" Sorry " I mumbled before I walked passed him and into the twins room. Beau must've really started working out, I thought to myself but shook away the thought.
Jai and Luke were both up and getting dressed when I walked in.

" Yeez ever heard of knocking? " Jai asked sarcastically and pulled his shirt over his head.

" Your door was open dork " I said and packed the pajamas I changed from into my suitcase.
Jai rolled his eyes and walked out of the room.

" You look good " Luke said and walked up to me and have me a hug.

" I look more like death " I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

" No you don't " Luke said seriously.

" Staph it " I said mocking the way Luke said that in their 1D mockumentary.

" You're so weird " Luke chuckled.

" And that's what you love about me " I said and pulled away from his grip. I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder and grabbed my suitcase.

" You coming? " I asked Luke who was just standing staring at me.

" Uh.. yeh, yeh " Luke said scratching the back of his neck before grabbing his backpack and suitcase and following me down the stairs where Gina, Jai and Beau were waiting for us.
Gina was driving us to the airport and from there we were flying to LAX where James, Skip and Ronnie would be meeting us.
We all got into the car and I was squished in between Luke and Jai in the back and Beau was in the front with Gina who was driving. After about twenty minutes we arrived at the airport and got our stuff and walked over to security.

" Bye Gina " I said as I hugged her. I was going to miss Gina. After all I do consider Gina as a mother and she was here to say good bye unlike my actual mother.

" I'll miss you babe " Gina said giving me a tight squeeze before pulling away.

" I'll miss you too " I said before walking over to security giving her and the boys their time to hug and say good bye.
I went through security and luckily didn't beep. When I had gathered all my stuff again I saw the others going trough security.

" Flight A265 to Los Angeles, California please go to gate 7 " A man said in the over voice thingy.

" Come on " Jai said when we were all together and then we headed to the gate.
We boarded the plane and I was stuck next to Beau. Neither of the twins wanted to swap with either of us because there was a baby behind us.
The twins where at the other end of the plane so I couldn't even see them.
As the plane started to move I put my earphone in and played some music and tried to fall asleep.

Who to choose? *Beau/Luke Brooks - Janoskians - Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now