Chapter 48

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Jungkook woke up early in the morning to the ringing of his phone. He silenced it not wanting yoongi to wake up. He looked at the caller id and frowned.
Why is the manager calling me this early? He thought. He got up from the bed and walked to the balcony to talk to his manager.

"Hello?" He said picking up the call.

"Good morning jungkook. Sorry to wake you up this early but pdnim called you in for a meeting urgently. Please come to the big hit building as soon as possible." He heard his manager say.

"Umm is everything okay manager-nim?" Jungkook asked curiously.

"Ohh yeah yeah everything is fine. Don't worry about it" his manager said and ended the call.

Jungkook kept the phone in his pocket and went back into the room. As soon as he entered he saw yoongi sitting on the bed, rubbing his eyes sleepily. A smile formed on his face.

"Hy" jungkook said smiling and sat beside older.

"Why are you up this early?" Yoongi asked looking at the younger. He was still very much in sleep.

"Manager called. I have a meeting with bang pd. So I need to go" jungkook said siding yoongi's bangs from his eyes. Yoongi just hummed and yawned which made jungkook chuckle.

"Why are you up baby?" Jungkook asked older.

"He won't let me sleep. He keeps on kicking me" yoongi pouted looking at his tummy. Jungkook chuckled and got near yoongi till his face was parallel to the older's stomach.

"Hi, baby. Please let your mama sleep. He gets cranky when he doesn't get his sleep and he is scary when he is cranky" jungkook whispered the last part and looked up at yoongi who was looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Sleep angel, you need rest." Jungkook laid yoongi back down on the bed. He kissed his forehead and stayed with him, playing with his hair till he was asleep.

Once yoongi was asleep, he got up from the bed and took the shower. He then got dressed and informed his driver. He also texted namjoon that he was leaving for a meeting and to take care of the older in his absence.

It's been 2 weeks since their wedding and jungkook has never been happier. He felt like he got everything he wanted from life. Yoongi was his husband and soon he is going to be a father. He smiled at the thought as he made his way to the bighit building.


Yoongi woke up with a slight pain in his lower area. He looked beside him for jungkook but then he remembered that he went to a meeting. He tried getting up and walking toward the bathroom but the pain was too much. He stood by clutching his stomach when a loud cry of pain left his mouth. The members came rushing to his room when they heard his voice.

"Hyung hyung are you okay?" Jimin said crouching beside older.

"Do I look fine to you? Fuck it hurts" yoongi groaned in pain.

"I think it's time. Taehyung call the driver. Hobi you call jungkook" jin said and wrapped yoongi's arms around his shoulder, helping him walk. He felt yoongi getting unconscious.

"Hy hy stay awake yoongi. we are going to take you to the hospital" he said patting yoongi's cheeks.

They soon reached the hospital and yoongi was rushed to the emergency room. All the members waited outside the room only jin stayed with yoongi. Jungkook was still in the meeting so he was not picking up his phone so namjoon decided to call their manager.

"Hy namjoon ah" he heard their manager's voice.

"Manager-nim is Jungkook still there?" Namjoon asked.

"Yes, he is here. Is everything okay?" Manager asked with a trace of worry in his voice.

"Please give him the phone," he said anxiously.


"Hy namjoon hyung" he heard jungkook's voice.

"Jungkook yoongi hyung is in hospital. Please come here quickly he needs you right now" namjoon said.

"WHAT?? What happened?" Jungkook almost screamed on the phone.

"We don't know right now. He is in the emergency room and jin hyung is with him right now. But I think it's the baby." Namjoon said.

"I'll be there soon. Please take care of him." Jungkook said and ended the call.

All the members waited outside the emergency room for some news but all they heard was screaming and panting. All the members stood anxiously just when the screening stopped. Jungkook arrived just then and rushed to the room but the doctor who was leaving the emergency room stopped him.

"Doctor, how is yoongi? Is he okay?" Jungkook asked anxiously.

"What is your relationship with the patient?" Doctor asked.

"I'm jeon jungkook I'm his husband," Jungkook stated.

"Congratulations on becoming a father Mr jungkook. You can go inside and meet your baby and your husband" doctor smiled at jungkook and left.

Jungkook just stood there for a second shocked. All the member's eyes were wide too but they were smiling and crying. Jungkook was crying too now but he wiped his eyes and entered the room.

He saw yoongi laying on the bed with a little angel in his arms. Jungkook felt his knees go weak. He felt like he would fall. He grabbed the wall beside him for support when tears started falling from his eyes again. Yoongi looked up and smiled at him indicating for him to come closer. Jungkook took a deep breath and walked to the bed and stood beside it.

"I'm going to leave you both alone," jin said and left the room smiling.

Jungkook's eyes meet yoongi's he felt like he was falling in love all over again. He reached down and kissed yoongi's forehead.
Then his eyes moved to the baby sleeping peacefully in yoongi's arms and it felt like his world stopped spinning. The baby was beautiful. His baby was beautiful. He wanted to touch him but his hands were shaking so badly.

"Jungkookie" yoongi said lovingly. Jungkook looked up at him. Yoongi shifted on the bed, asking younger to lay beside him. Jungkook did as told. Yoongi placed the little baby on jungkook's chest. Jungkook was shaking so badly but still, he wrapped his arm carefully around the fragile body. Yoongi was smiling at him, gently moving his fingers in jungkook's locks massaging his scalp.
Tears started falling from jungkook's eyes. He felt complete at that moment.

He felt content.
He felt at Home.

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