Chapter 46

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Today was the day yoongi and jungkook are supposed to get married. since the day jungkook announced their wedding, yoongi has been anxious. he didn't want jungkook to rush just because of some comments. this was an important step for both of him. he wanted jungkook to think it through. but jungkook reassured him. he told him that this was not something that he was doing because of some mere comments but because he wants to. there is nothing jungkook wanted more than to make yoongi his husband.

"Jungkook are you sure about this?" yoongi asked on phone. the wedding was in 4 hours and they both were getting ready, separately. It was jimin and jungkook's plan.

"Baby, I have never been so sure. please don't stress yourself okay it's not good for you and our baby" jungkook said in a calm tone. he could feel the older panicking through the phone.

"bu-" yoongi started saying but jungkook cut him off.

"no buts yoongi. I want you. I want this. now please stop overthinking and get ready. I can't wait to see you angel" jungkook said happily.

"okay" yoongi sighed and chuckled. He ended the call and closed his eyes with a deep sigh. It's happening. He is getting married. Not just to anyone but to the love of his life whose child he is carrying with him.

This was the happiest yoongi had ever been in his life. Yoongi's life was not normal. It was way too far from normal. Yoongi's parents were never there for him in his teenage years. Though they came around once he achieved his dreams, they were never there for him when he needed them the most. He was so deprived of love that he didn't even know what real love felt like. His music was his life as well as his love.

When he first meet his bandmates he was so reserved. He didn't want to get close to people because he knows how it ends. He just wanted to make music and earn money. But as time passed, his love and appreciation for his fellow members grew gradually. He started loving them as their own. And to his surprise, they reciprocated his feeling. They loved him too, maybe more than he did. He liked this feeling. The feeling of being wanted. But still, he kept his feelings to himself. He never worded it, just showed it in other ways. His life was still the same. Just work and sleep.

Then a certain bunny boy entered his life like a fucking Hurricane and turned it upside down. In a good way of course. Jungkook made him feel alive again. He made him feel that there is something more to him than just working and sleeping. He made him love his flaws. He can be the most vulnerable in jungkook's presence because he knew that the younger would never judge him. Jungkook brought light into his dark world and he couldn't be anymore happier. With all the fame and publicity, it was always exhausting for both of them but they found a breathing space in each other's arms.

"Yoongi hyung are you okay?" Yoongi heard jimin's voice, bringing him back to his senses.


"You zoned out hyung," jimin said.

"Oh, I was just thinking something don't worry" yoongi replied.

"So how are you feeling?" Younger asked smiling at him.

"You want me to be honest?" Yoongi asked gaining a confused look from the younger.

"Of course hyung" jimin replied.

"I'm shit scared," yoongi said huffing out a breath.

"I know hyung but try to calm down it's not good for little jungkook," jimin said smiling sympathetically.

"Little jungkook? Really Chim?" Yoongi gave him a weird look.

"Ohh so you want me to call him little yoonie then" jimin teased the older.

"Shut up you brat" yoongi glared at him. Jimin laughed.

"Anyways hyung, take some rest and don't worry everything will be okay," jimin said placing his hand on the older's shoulder rubbing it slowly.

"Thanks, jimin" yoongi said and gave him a small smile. Jimin nodded and turned to leave. He stopped at the door and turned back once again.

"Hy yoongi hyung," jimin said and smiled.


"You look handsome. Kook won't be able to get his eyes off you today" jimin said and winked at him. A small hint of pink appeared on yoongi's face. He turned around to hide his flustered face from the younger, who left the room giggling.


Jungkook has been calling yoongi every few minutes just to make sure that he is okay and to reassure him that everything will be okay. He didn't want yoongi to stress much.

Jungkook ended the call with yoongi and kept the phone in his pocket.

"You sounded awfully calm on the phone for someone who has been walking around the room like a nervous bunny since morning," taehyung said and chuckled.

"Hyung" jungkook whined and turned around. He sighed and dropped on the chair nearby.

"Kookie are you okay?" Taehyung said gently and sat beside him.

"Spectacular" jungkook said in a sarcastic tone.

"Koo I know you're nervous but calm down please," taehyung said placing his hand on the younger's shoulder.

"Nervous? I'm terrified hyung. It's such a big day hyung. What if I fuck up something? Yoongi hyung is already so stressed and I told him to relax but I couldn't even calm down myself" jungkook rambled. Taehyung chuckled. He stood up and sat in front of the younger.

"Jungkook looks at me," taehyung said sternly. Jungkook looked up his eyes meet jungkooks.

"You have nothing to worry about kookie. Everything will be okay. Yoongi hyung loves you so much. He is just as scared and nervous as you are. I know it's a big day for both of you but please remember that you both are in his together. Remember your love for each other and everything will be okay" taehyung said, showing his boxy smile.

Jungkook listened to every word his hyung said, his heart calming down a little. He loves yoongi. He loved him so much. He wanted yoongi for so long and today finally they are tieing knots. They are going to be a little family. He he, his yoongi and his baby. Jungkook smiled at the thought. He always wanted to start a family with the love of his life and today that dream was also coming true.

"It's about time kook. Are you ready? Taehyung asked as he looked at his watch.

Jungkook took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He exhaled sharply and opened his eyes.

" yes I'm ready"

Hiiii guys

I am alive.

Sorry for the late update I had assignments and a shit load of work pulled up.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Keep Reading and voting uwu.

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