Chapter 3

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jungkook woke up the next morning in a different place than usual. it took him a while to figure out where he was. he heard little snores coming from somewhere. he turned to see yoongi sleeping peacefully beside him. his hair was scattered and his lips were making pout. his pale cheeks reflected sunlight making him look like an angel.

he never thought he will have yoongi this close to him. he never thought that he would get a chance to admire his precious hyung while he was sleeping. he gently brushed his hand on yoongi's cheek feeling his soft skin. yoongi whimpered and nuzzled deeper in the younger’s chest. jungkook smiled and wrapped his arm around the older bringing his small body closer to his.

he was still holding yoongi when flashbacks of last night came to him. he knew he shouldn't have done that but why did yoongi didn't stop him? younger knew how much yoongi hated physical touch but then why is he allowing him to touch. jungkook's mind was filled with questions now. he felt the little figure beside him starting to wake up.

yoongi felt heavy arms around his waist which were holding him tight. his head was on someone's chest. he is so close to someone that he can feel their body heat. he slowly opened his eyes and looked up when he was met with pretty doe eyes looking at him.

a little smile spread on jungkook's face when he was looking at his beautiful hyung. he looked so cute.

"good morning hyung," Jungkook said smiling at the older, still holding him in his arm.

"good morning kook," yoongi said little smile forming on his face.

"did you sleep well?" Jungkook asked, using his free hand to side the hair from yoongi's forehead.  His action made a little hint of pink appear on older's cheeks which made him even cuter.

"yeah," he said, it was barely audible because yoongi was so lost looking at jungkook's face. how beautiful his face is, he thought. he didn’t know what was happening but he was loving it. he was loving the attention he was getting from the younger.

"I'm glad," Jungkook said with a little smile and caressed his face with his thumb making his cheeks grow even redder. yoongi felt like he was about to melt. jungkook's hand on his cheeks felt like a feather moving.

suddenly yoongi too recalled what happened last night. he felt embarrassed and guilty. he is older, he should've stopped the younger but he just played along with him. but before he could say anything jungkook spoke first.

"go get a shower hyung we have practice," Jungkook said, ready to get up but yoongi grabbed his wrist.

"umm-i-m sorry for last night jungkook," yoongi said his face was so red from the embarrassment that he had to look down.

he felt jungkook's finger on his chin making him look up at him. he meet jungkook's eyes which were smiling. jungkook kept his hand on yoongi's face caressing his cheeks. that was his favourite thing to do now.

"We don't have to talk about it okay," Jungkook said in his angelic voice, looking into yoongi's eyes, the smile never leaving his face.

yoongi just nodded his head too flustered to say anything. jungkook gave a quick peek at his forehead before getting up.

yoongi just sat there his hand on his forehead where jungkook just kissed him. he couldn’t believe what just happened but it somehow make something in his heart warm.

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