Chapter 45

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AgustD: He is so happy🥺 @Jeonjungkookofficial

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AngstD: WAIT?? what's happening?

Yoonkook: Is this what I think it is?

Kookiesbunny: Our babies are pregnant omg😭

Jimingotnojames: omg congratulations guys❤️🥺

Jeonjungkookofficial: How can I not? I saw my baby today😭

Rmofficial: Congratulations guys.

Lilmeowmeow: kookie looks so happy😭 they're going to be great dads.

Gummymin: Their baby is going to be the luckiest person in the world

Jeonjungkookofficial posted.


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Jeonjungkookofficial: I'm going to be a dad💜 @AgustD

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Parkbogum: Congratulations jungkook and yoongi hyung.

Jiminofficial: Can I be the godfather of your baby?😭

Rmofficial: Congratulations guys💜

cantthinkofusername: why aren't they married yet?
↪️Kookiemybunny: I'm thinking the same.

My Precious angel (Yoonkook)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant