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Once we arrived I felt like my heart was going to fall out of my chest. I slowly got out of the truck and hesitantly walked to the door, Mae following closely behind me. 

I glanced to her with a slightly worried expression. She smiled reassuringly at me and nudged me, telling me to knock on the door.

"Go on, love. It's okay." She said. I nodded, breathing deeply before raising my hand and knocking on the door. My heart raced as I thought about what their reaction would be. 

The door opened and a familiar woman entered my view.

"Yes?" She asked before cutting herself off, tears streaming down her face. 

"Hey, mom..." I said, holding back tears.

"Oh my baby... My baby... My baby!" She said, pulling me into a tight hug, sobbing as she rested her head on my shoulder. "You've grown..." She said with a sad but happy smile as she pulled away from the hug. I chuckled slightly before she glanced up at the woman next to me.

"Did you help my son..?" She asked. Mae nodded slightly before receiving a hug from my mother. "Thank you, thank you so much." My mother said as she wiped her tears. 

She stepped back inside, allowing Mae and I to both enter. Mae shut the door behind her and my mother glanced over to the stairs. 

"Kenji... Ben... Brandon, get down here!" She yelled, her voice cracking. My eyes lit up.

Kenji and Ben were here. Ben is here. I couldn't help but smile.

The three of them all rushed down the stairs, wondering what was wrong. Kenji stopped at the bottom of the stairs as he saw me, it looked as if he had stopped breathing.

"Kenji? What's wrong?" I heard Ben ask, Brand stopped behind him, confused. Kenji eventually stepped out of the way, allowing Brandon and Ben to see me. Ben dropped his phone on the ground as he saw me. I smiled at him.

"Darius..?" Ben muttered.

"Hey." I said, my voice cracking.
I bit my lip, wondering how Ben was going to react. After a few short moments Ben practically flung himself at me, wrapping his arms around my neck and kissing me. I was caught off guard but I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned into the kiss, happy to see him again.

I felt my face go warm and it was obviously red.

"Awwww" My mother said as she wiped tears from her eyes. Ben pulled away from the kiss, slightly embarrassed.

"How... How are you alive?!" Kenji asked, surprised. Ben soon backed away from me and Brand and Kenji rushed forwards, hugging me tightly. I hugged them both back tightly, tears slowly falling from my eyes.

"Well..." I muttered. "It's a long story..." I added before Mae popped up behind me.

"Hi loves." She said with a friendly smile.

"Mae!" Ben said before hugging her.

"Well... Come sit down, we've got all day to hear about it." My mother said, hugging me tightly before leading me over to one of the couches in the living room.

Brandon, Ben and I were sitting on the couch while Kenji and Mrs Bowman sat on the two sofa chairs, Mae stood behind me, her hand resting on my shoulder.

I sighed before beginning to speak, telling them what happened while they were gone.

"There's another freak dinosaur?!" Kenji asked, startled. I nodded. 

"That woman has a metal leg?!" Brandon asked referring to Mae, honestly kind of impressed. Ben had seemed to get a completely different part out of that story.

"Bumpy is okay? And she's here? On mainland?" He asked excitedly. I nodded and smiled at him. He pulled me into a tight hug that shortly everyone joined. 

Once we all pulled away from the hug, Ben lifted something off of his neck.

"Here, I kept this safe..." He muttered, handing me my old necklace. I looked at it happily before hesitantly taking it from Ben and putting it over my head. I pulled Ben's face closer to mine gently and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thanks." I replied with a warm smile. Ben went red and turned to look away from me, a smile on his face. 

"Guys! I have someone on facetime!" My mother said before putting a laptop in front of me. Yaz and Sammy were on the screen, both basically frozen.

"DARIUS?! MAE?!" Sammy yelled, surprised. I smiled at them through the screen. Mae smiled too, waving at them before walking off to speak with my mother.

"Hey, guys." I said. Sammy began crying what I presumed were happy tears and Yaz just stood there, shocked, her jaw wide open.

"I... I can't believe you're okay." Yasmina said with a happy smile.  "How?!" She asked. I shook my head before laughing slightly.

"That's a long story, maybe I'll tell you another day." I said with a grin.

"Okay, whatever but I'm so glad you're okay!" Sammy said as she hugged Yaz. I smiled. I was finally home, and there were no dinosaurs here. I was safe.

I was with Ben, and my mother had adopted Kenji. Life had finally been good to me for once. 


That's it folks! I hope you liked this story, I really loved writing this and I definitely loved the end. I'm sorry if there are some mistakes, I was crying while I was writing this so I probably missed a few spelling or grammar mistakes but oh well. I hope you all liked this story as much as I did! 

903 Words <3 

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