Trouble at school.

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It's been about 7 months since we left Isla Nublar and finally returned home, since then I had spent a lot of time with Kenji and Brandon. I visited them almost every day and I even managed to convince my mother to enroll me into Kenji's school. 

Sammy and I are both 15 now and Yaz and Kenji are both 17. Darius and Brooklynn would've both been 14 by now. Kenji had completely changed his look while I kept mine, I still have my headband (But I wash it every week.) and I wear similar outfits. I also always wear Darius' necklace. Ever since I was given it I've never taken it off, I'm too scared to lose it. 

Kenji is a year above me in school but it's still nice to see him around and walk to and from school with him. I've been wearing more hoodies lately though, I don't think Kenji has noticed which is good. 

I've been wearing hoodies because I've been getting into quite a few fights which left bruises on my arms, torso and legs. If he ever accidentally sees one I just blame it on my clumsiness. 

I shivered as I waited for Kenji at the bus stop, the cold air making goosebumps appear on my arms and legs. Although I was wearing a black hoodie and light blue jeans.
"God Kenji how long does it take you to get here..." I whispered to me myself.

After a while Kenji appeared and I sighed with relief.

"Finally!" I said, shivering. Kenji chuckled slightly before slapping me on the back as we began walking. "Ow!" I groaned.

"So... What classes have you got today?" He asked.

"English, history, maths, biology, PE, and mythology." I responded. "How about you?" I asked.

"Maths, history, physics, PE, french, and accounting." He replied. I nodded my head, acknowledging that I heard.

"Sounds boring." I said. Kenji chuckled before humming in response. Our walks to school were quiet, but they were relaxing and I appreciated the company.

Once we arrived at school we parted ways and I headed to my first class, great, english.

I sighed once I arrived at the classroom and sat myself down at my desk. Two boys behind me laughed as I heard them scrunching up bits of paper.

I groaned slightly as they threw the bits of paper at me. I turned to face them, catching a ball of paper in my hand and throwing it back at them.

They paused before throwing another ball of paper at me.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked angrily. The boys laughed.

"Ooh look, the dead boy has a bite!" One of them said with a laugh. I groaned, not wanting to deal with this. I turned back to the front of the classroom and waited for the teacher to arrive.

Once lunch arrive I sighed and quickly grabbed my bag, walking out of my history classroom and made my way to the cafeteria.

I sat down at one of the tables and pulled my phone out of my pocket, scrolling through the messages on the group chat. I was soon interrupted by a tug at my shirt. 

"Hm?" I muttered, turning to see the guys from English. Crap

I sighed and stood, pushing them out of my way. "Leave me alone." I said before going to walk out of the cafeteria. I was soon paused as he grabbed my wrist, pulling my back and punching my nose. Shit. I felt blood start dripping down my face. 

I sighed before bringing my hands up, grabbing his wrist and swiping my foot under his leg, making him fall backward onto the table behind him. He scrambled to his feet.

"You little bitch." He said, raising his fists. 

"Bring it." I muttered, ducking down as he threw his fist towards my face again. I was shorter than him but I managed to swerve to his side, grab his back and stomach and flip him forwards, causing him to land face first on the floor. 

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