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Darius sighed before whistling, gaining Blues attention. "Go get a med kit from the veterinary station." He said, Blue soon ran off.

"Honestly Brooklynn, shouldn't you be doing this? Your the one that took several hospitality courses before." Darius exclaimed before walking over to Kenji to examine his wound.

"I... I may have lied..." The pink-haired girl muttered. Everyone glanced up, angry expressions on their faces.

"Wonder what else you lied about." Yasmina scoffed.

"At least I didn't steal and break our one source of communication off of this island." Brooklynn said, referring to Sammy. Yasmina scowled.

"She didn't know that all that was going to happen!" Yasmina yelled in response. 

"Guys, shush, I need Kenji to be asleep while I do this." Darius said bluntly, clearly irritated himself from the fighting. After a few moments of silence Blue came rushing back into the clearing, knocking Brooklynn over as she ran passed her. 

"Thanks, girl." Darius said, taking the med kit from the Raptors jaw. She clicked her tongue happily and trotted over to me, nudging me. I sighed, she reminded me of Bumpy. Speaking of... Where is Bumpy?

I shook the thoughts out of my head as I heard Kenji grunt. I glanced over and saw Kenji's blood dripping down onto the ground next to the mattress he was laying on. You could see the flesh slowly spilling out of his arm. I gagged slightly, the blood was disgusting. Yasmina was still hovering over the bushes, uncontrollably vomiting. 

I frowned, feeling bad for her but shifting my gaze back to the older boy on the mattress. 

"I can't save it." Darius said. Brooklynn glanced up, her eyebrows furrowed. 

"What do you mean, it?!" She said, confused and irritated. 

"His arm, I can't save his arm." He said bluntly, rolling his eyes.

"Sure you can! Just... sew it or something!" Brooklynn said. Darius shook his head and sighed. 

"Do you see anything around here that could sew his arm?" He said, his voice raising as his tone became more and more angry.

"Well then what are we supposed to do?!" Brooklynn yelled. 

Darius paused, glancing back to Kenji who was still bleeding out onto the mattress beneath him. "We amputate it." He said, still holding back gags as he watched the flesh slowly sink out of the wound. 

"How?!" Brooklynn asked, concerned. 

Darius pulled a scalpel from his pocket and glanced at it before shifting his gaze to Blue. "I assume Blue would be less painful and it would be easier, because all the scalpel will do is tear slowly through his skin and cause him more pain." Darius said. "His artery and bone has already been torn so it would only be a bit of skin she would have to bite off." 

"No way!" Brooklynn said.

"So you want your boyfriend to go through immense pain?" Darius argued. "He's already lost a lot of blood, if we're going to save him we need to make a decision, fast." He added. 

"Fine..." Brooklynn muttered hesitantly. Darius sighed before turning back to Kenji, whistling to blue and pointing at the older boy's arm. "Only the lower half." He commented. 

We all turned away, hearing the crunch of the bone shattering as Blue ripped off the lower arm. I heard Yasmina vomit again, gagging at the sounds. 

Darius slowly turned around, seeing Kenji's arm on the ground, blood still spilling out. He held his hand over his mouth before vomiting. "Blue, get rid of it!" He yelled. Blue picked up the arm and ran off, presumably going somewhere peaceful to eat it. A small blood trail was left in the direction she ran off in.

Darius quickly ran back over to Kenji, grabbing the bandages and carefully wrapping what was left of his arm with the bandages, securing it with the last of the medical tape. "We should get him off of this blood-soaked mattress." Darius said, gagging slightly.

Brooklynn came over and carefully grabbed underneath Kenji's arms while Darius grabbed his legs, they both carefully moved Kenji onto a bed of leaves and let him rest for a while. 

"Make sure to change the bandages every two days, make sure it's healing." Darius said before turning away from Brooklynn.

"Wait! Aren't you going to stay?!" Brooklynn asked. Darius turned back, his eyebrows furrowed.

"You really think I'm going to stay here after you said nobody wanted me here? What? Do you only care now that Kenji is injured and there is nobody to protect you? Pfft, as if." He said. "Fuck you, Brooklynn." He said.

Brooklyn scoffed slightly. "Sammy! Come on, we can talk about Esther Stone." Brooklynn said, shifting her gaze to Sammy. Sammy shook her head, pulling Yasmina along with her as them and Darius walked off. 

I inhaled deeply before walking over to Brooklynn with a sincere smile. 

"Oh thank god!" Brooklynn said, sighing with relief. 

"Fuck you, you hurt Darius, now you deal with me." I whispered. My expression quickly changing to a frustrated look. I raised my fist in the air before swinging it at Brooklynn, leaving a decent mark on her eye. 

"Ow!" She shrieked, covering her eye. I scoffed before running after the others.


Sorry for the short chapter! I didn't really know how to continue it because the title was pretty specific.

I can't do this again || BenriusNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ