Get her out of here, or I will!

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Sammy rushed over, launching herself onto Darius and hugging him tightly. "I'm so glad you're okay!" She said happily before pulling out of the hug.

The others eventually came down from the treehouse to see what Sammy was yelling about.

"Darius!" Kenji said, running up to him and hugging him tightly. I scoffed quietly, they were acting as if they never stopped caring.

Brooklynn pushed through the others and paused in front of Darius. "What?! How are you alive?!" She said, surprised but somewhat relieved. She hugged him tightly before being knocked to the ground by blue. Everyone glanced over quickly, it seemed everyone was so caught up in Darius being back they didn't notice her.

"Oh, don't mind her she's just jealous." Darius said.

"A raptor? Jealous? No way." Brooklynn said, scrambling onto her feet and grabbing Kenji's arm. ""She's going to kill us all." Brooklynn stated.

Darius shook his head. "No, she understands us. All she wants is a pack." He said reassuringly.

"Well we aren't her pack! Make her leave, now!" Brooklynn said angrily. Darius sighed, soon taking his arm off of my and leaning solely on Blue.

"She eats fruit!" He said, still trying to argue. Brooklynn scoffed.

"Yeah right, show us then." She said, the tension making Blue uneasy.

Darius pulled a peach out of his pocket (don't ask.) And offered it to Blue who happily ate it.

"Whatever! It doesn't mean she won't try and eat us!" Brooklynn said, swatting at Blue. "Nobody wants her here!" Brooklynn scoffed.

Darius shifted his gaze to Blue, then back at me. "'Well I'm not leaving her." He said.

"Well then you can leave too! Nobody wants you here, Darius! You were only here to make sure WE got off if the island, but because of you we are back here on this shitty place with no way home! You should've just died when you fell off of the cliff!" Brooklynn scowled.

Everyone gasped as Darius furrowed his eyebrows slightly, clearing broken.

"Brooklynn, what the hell is wrong with you?!" I shouted, pushing her backward slightly.

"Wait, no, I... Darius that isn't what I meant..." Brooklynn said,

Darius tensed, causing Blue to growl. "Come on, Blue." He said before turned away.

"Darius, wait for me!" I said, following after him. Kenji looked like he was about to follow as well but decided to stay with Brooklynn.

After a while of thinking, Sammy and Yasmina soon followed.

"Darius, we are so sorry..." Sammy said.

"No need to apologize, I get it, you guys don't want a raptor around. Or me..." He said, muttering the last part. I frowned, pulled Darius off of Blue and hugging him tightly.

"Fuck them, nobody cares about Brooklynn anyways. She's selfish and rude." I whispered into his ear. Darius smiled slightly, his eyes were glossy which gave away the fact he wanted to cry.

Sammy and Yasmina soon joined the hug, we all stayed there for a while as Darius started sobbing. Once we all pulled away from the hug Darius wiped his tears.

"Thanks, guys... But I'm not leaving Blue, so you can go back to camp..." He muttered. We all shook our heads.

"No! You've been through so much in the week we've been here, you don't deserve those words to be said to you, and you don't need to leave." Yasmina said.
"Also, I spent the entire time walking over here thinking of that one scentence so don't expect another one." Yasmina said, making everyone laugh.

We all looked up at the quickly darkening sky and decided to head to where Darius had been staying for the past few days.

"Here we are." Darius said as we entered into a clearing.

You slept in trees?" Yasmina asked in slight disbelief. Darius nodded before hauling himself into one of the trees, obviously struggling.

Sammy and Yasmina shrugged before climbing into a tree next to us, huddling together.

"You coming?" I heard Darius ask as he looked down at me from one of the trees, He soon pointed to a branch below him.

"Oh, uh yeah." I said, climbing into the tree. "Guess we should call you Tree boy now, or maybe Tarzan! Like that guy from that weird jungle movie." I said, making Darius laugh.

"Whatever floats your boat, island boy." He responded, he soon dangled his arm off of the branch. "Hand." He muttered.

I hesitated slightly before grabbing Darius' hand, perhaps it was a way to make sure I was still there. I smiled slightly as I noticed Darius had fallen asleep.

After a while I was startled by Blue standing right next to me. "Hello.." I whispered to her, slowly reaching my hand out to stroke her. She put her head up against my hand which made me smile slightly.

Darius had actually made friends with a goddamn carnivore, impressive.

Blue soon jumped into a branch next to me, curling up and laying her head on my stomach. "so Darius is the one who taught you how to climb..." I muttered before slowly falling asleep, one of my hands on Blue's head, the other entangled with Darius'.

We woke up in the morning to a familiar voice yelling for help.
"HELP!" The voice called desperately.
Yasmina was already out of her and Sammy's tree, running towards the sound.

Darius looked down at our hands, his face bright pink before letting go and climbing down the tree.
"Darius, a little help?" I said, glancing down at the raptor who was still laying on me. Darius whistled, causing Blue to wake up and leap off of the tree.

"Come on, let's go." Darius said, grabbing my wrist and gently pulling me off of the branch.

"Oww my back." I groaned as we ran. Darius laughed slightly, still using Blue for support. I honestly didn't even know how he was running on that leg, it was twisted and the bandage that was underneath the brace was practically drenched in blood.

We eventually caught up to Yasmina and Sammy back at camp.

"Please help..." Brooklynn begged, glancing over to an unconscious Kenji who's arm had been practically torn off.

"HOLY SHIT" I said, gagging and turning around, vomiting in the bushes, although there was nothing in my stomach I still managed to vomit.

Darius gagged and Sammy vomited as well, disgusted by the sight. Yasmina held her hand over her mouth before taking it off and taking a deep breath.

"What the fuck happened?!" Yasmina asked, deeply concerned.

"Toro attacked camp last night... We barely got out before it collapsed..." Brooklynn muttered, glancing over to the rubble of what used to be camp. "Please, help him." Brooklynn begged.

Yasmina, Sammy and I all looked over to Darius who sighed before nodding.

"Fine, but we aren't doing this for you. We're doing this for Kenji" he said bluntly. Brooklynn nodded, still clearly feeling bad for what she had done.

Honestly, serves her right for being such a dickhead earlier, if I was Darius I wouldn't have helped, but I guess Darius is his best friend...

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