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A/N: Yes this is in Darius' POV, He may die at the end of this, he may not. Is Ben dead? You'll never know, (Just kidding you will... eventually.) I hope you're crying (This makes me sound really evil)... Enjoy :)

Darius' POV:

The carnivore let out a roar, causing Ben to freeze in fear. The others and I ran off, not noticing Ben hadn't followed. I glanced back, expecting Ben to be behind me but I gasped, realizing he wasn't.

"Ben!" I called as I ran over to him, pushing him out of the way as Toro spun around, hitting me in the stomach and flinging me off of the cliff.

"DARIUS!" I heard Ben yell. My eyes widened as I realized what I did. It seemed like I was falling in slow-motion.

I'm falling... Why am I falling so slowly..? I want it to be over... I hope Ben is alright. I hope he got away. Maybe the others will look for me. Nah, they seemed too mad at me. At least Ben is alive, I hope. He's useful, unlike me. All I ever did was ruin things. 

Eventually I hit the ground, feeling my leg crack before everything went black. 

I woke up to a familiar sound. Instinctively glancing up and grabbing a nearby stick. My eyes widened as the raptor slowly approached me, making a clicking sound every step she took. 

My head pounded, my stomach ached, and I couldn't feel my right leg. 

The raptor tilted her head at me before glancing down to my blood-stained shirt. 

Crap, she must've smelt the blood from a mile away. I went to stand before dropping to the ground in pain, holding in a shriek, trying not to irritate the raptor. I curled myself over, holding my stomach as it continued to bleed profusely. I glanced over to my leg that had obviously been broken. 

There was no way I was going to get out of this situation alive. I scrambled backwards against the rocks as she came closer, strange bark-like sounds exiting her mouth. I gulped, biting my lip as I tried to hold back sobs. I didn't want to die, I wanted to see Ben, I wanted to go home, I wanted to see Brand and my mother. 

I prepared myself for death as tears began rolling down my face. I didn't want to die this way, I didn't want to die at all. I hope the others get home. 

The raptor began sniffing me as it crawled closer. It then lowered it's head to my stomach, sniffing it. She then raised her head, opening her mouth. I instinctively put my hand up, trying not to get my head bitten off. 

I trembled, waiting to be killed. I glanced up as I felt the raptors scales against my hand, I raised one of my eyebrows, confused. 

She pulled her head away from my hand before clicking happily and pacing around the sand nearby. My eyebrows furrowed, it was strange. Why didn't she just kill me? 

She made a clicking noise again before nudging me, trying to get me to move. 

"I..." I muttered. "I can't move..." I said, I was probably crazy thinking this dinosaur could understand me.  The raptor tilted her head before running off. I sighed in relief, hoping I could crawl away before she came back. I attempted to crawl off but stopped as my stomach ached. 

"Screw this..." I muttered, leaning myself against the rocks and letting my wound bleed out. I was going to die anyways, what was the point in suffering. 

The raptor eventually came back with a Compsognathus in her jaw. She dropped it in front of me before making a bark-like sound, trying to get me to eat it. I gagged slightly.

"No, thanks." I replied, she tilted her head in slight confusion before happily eating it. I was still confused of why she wasn't attacking me, perhaps she realized I was immobilized and thought I would be a boring target. 

She then carefully came closer, curling herself up next to me and resting her head on my leg. I closely watched her movements, slightly relaxing as I noticed she had fallen asleep. Was I really about to trust a dinosaur? A carnivore, at that. 

I yawned, tired and in pain. I eventually ended up falling asleep, hoping the pain would go away, either by dying or by healing, either way it would end. 

I woke up just before dawn to immense pain, I grabbed my stomach, accidentally waking the raptor. 

"Shoot... Sorry..." I muttered, frightened. The raptor roared quietly before nudging my arm around her neck and encouraging my up by nipping my leg slightly. "Ow! Okay, okay!" I said, slowly standing, leaning onto her. 

After a while of hopping down the beach, leaning against the raptor, we found a slope that lead up into the jungle. I grabbed a nearby stick and used it to help me climb up the slope, still leaning against the Raptor. 

"The veterinary station!" I said, noticing the familiar place in the distance. "You're one smart raptor." I said, glancing at the dinosaur beside me. 

She made a happy clicking sound as we approached the area. I sat down on the grass near one of the supply crates, opening it and rummaging through what was inside. "Pliers... Scalpels... Bandages!" I said, pulling the bandages out of the crate. 

I slowly lifted up my shirt, biting onto it and holding it up. I soon held the bandage onto my stomach with one of my hands, wrapping it with the other, occasionally swapping to make sure I got all the way around. Once I had securely finished wrapping my torso I grabbed a scalpel and cut the bandage off, tucking the end into the layers wrapped around my stomach. 

I then glanced up, noticing the raptor was chewing on one of the crates.

"Hey! Could you bring that over here..?" I asked hesitantly. The raptor turned her head before pulling the crate towards me. I smiled, she understood my words. "Thanks." I said to her before she ran off into the bushes again, probably to catch another Compie. 

I opened the crate and rummaged through it. "Food, that's good..." I said. I soon hauled myself to a med kit I noticed nearby, opening it and rummaging through it. "Aha! Leg braces, perfect." I said. "Wish we found these when Yasmina was injured." I said, frowning at the memory. I hope their okay. 

I pulled the leg brace out of the med kit and grabbed the left-over bandages, I wrapped the bandages around my leg, finishing the roll off and tucking the end into the layers. The bandages soaked up the blood that was seeping out of the multiple cuts on my leg. I then grabbed the leg brace and clipped it on, tightening it. 

The raptor eventually came back, with a fish this time. She dropped it in front of me, tilting her head. I glanced down at it, then back up at her. 

"Thanks." I said with a smile. "But I'm not a fan of eating it raw so you can have it, I'll find something when we make a campfire." I said. I felt kind of idiotic, talking to a dinosaur. Pfft. 

The dinosaur seemed to have rolled her eyes before grabbing the fish and chucking it into the air, swallowing it whole.

"Geez, you could've chewed it." I said, laughing at myself slightly. The raptor tilted her head before mimicking my laugh. I smiled, this really was one smart dinosaur. It must've been one of the ones that was being trained by that Owen guy or something. 

"Hm.. I suppose I should give you a name..." I muttered. I inspected the dinosaur, noticing her coloring was more blue then grey or brown. "How about... Blue?" I said. 

The raptor perked her head up, making a happy clicking sound.

"Blue it is then." I said, slowly hauling myself up, balancing myself on my left leg, using a stick as more support.


Ta da! He's alive my friends! (For now, at least >:) ) Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter and are prepared for the next one! It will be a LOT sadder than this one. Hehehe...

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