A familiar face

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Darius pov:

Should I go back to camp..? Nah... It's probably best not to.. They're better off without me anyways. 

"Come on Blue, let's find a place to stay for the night," I said, slowly limping into the forest. Blue followed behind me, occasionally straying from me to go fetch a Compie, always offering it to me. 

Blue and I began to understand each other more and more throughout the day, I eventually learned that she disliked going for prey that were bigger than Compies, humans, or fish, since she was a small predator with no pack she didn't have enough confidence to go for the larger herbivores. 

"Hey... This looks familiar." I said as I entered a clearing with a couple trees surrounding it. "Oh! This is the place that Dr, Grant stayed when he was here on the island!" I realized. Blue tilted her head, confused. I chuckled slightly before slowly hoisting myself into one of the trees, trying my best not to put pressure on my leg.

Blue tried copying, eventually giving up and laying herself down on the grass beneath. 

I eventually fell asleep on the tree, my leg resting against a branch in front of me and my arms wrapped lightly around my torso. 

I yawned, waking up to the sound of Blue's bark-like sounds. "Morning Blue." I said weakly. Slowly crawling out of the tree, my back ached from the uncomfortable position I had fallen asleep with but it eventually ended, other than the intense pain in my leg and stomach 24/7. 

"Come on, let's go get that food from the veterinary station." I said, nudging the carnivore lightly. Blue roared happily, running ahead of me. I chuckled slightly, following after the raptor as fast as I could, still using the stick to support myself. 

Once I arrived at the station I searched for the crate from yesterday, I grabbed a nearby vine and secured the stick to my wrist before grabbing the crate, lifting it off of the ground. Blue help me balance by sticking her head underneath my arm and walking slowly. 

Blue and I had officially become each others pack member, although she took care of me more than I took care of her. 

"Almost there!" I said, wobbling slightly, soon dropping the crate onto the ground in the clearing and stretching my arms above my head. I accidentally hit Blue with the stick, causing her to growl playfully. "Whoops, sorry Blue!" I said, chuckling. She mimicked the sound again, causing me to laugh harder before happily stroking her head.

"Good girl, Blue." I said, smiling at her. She had given me the chance of life again, instead of using me as food she helped me and I'm going to do whatever it takes to repay her. 

"Alright, let's see what we've got here." I said, opening the crate and rummaging through the canned foods. "Ooh, pears." I said, pulling out a can of pears. "Good enough." I said before closing the crate and scooting myself against the tree I slept in. I used a scalpel I got from the med kit yesterday to lift the lid off, it flinging into one of the trees and back into the crate.

"Score!" I yelled happily, giggling as Blue went to go see what it was. I grabbed one of the pears out of the can and ate it happily, Finally, food. It had already been two days since I had eaten last. "Hey, Blue! Want to try one?" I said, glancing down to the pears as I bit into one again. 

Blue came over, sniffing the can hesitantly. "Come on! They're good!" I said, knowing she probably won't try one anyways since she's a carnivore. I grabbed one out of the can and held it in front of her face. She carefully took it from my hand and munched on it, eventually swallowing. 

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