You know your brother, we don't.

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"I'm sorry..." Darius croaked, clearly holding back sobs. Yasmina ran over, pulling Brooklynn back and away from Darius.

"That idiot didn't call the police when he got Kash's phone, he called his god damn brother!" Brooklynn yelled, clearly outraged. 

"That doesn't mean you needed to hit him!" Sammy argued.

I stared up at Brooklynn as I had crouched down by Darius. "You... You did what?" I asked, I couldn't believe it. Brooklynn had hit Darius over something so silly, yeah it was a mistake. But Darius knew his brother more than we did. He must've believed he would come looking.

Brooklynn didn't respond, she just scoffed, turning away. I was filled with fury, and sadness. Darius made a mistake, yeah, but if he had called the police we probably could've been home right now... But it wasn't his fault, he panicked. 

I could feel Darius trembling as my hand was rested on his shoulder. If he liked Brooklynn he probably doesn't anymore... 

"Hey, Darius, you okay?" I asked. 

Darius didn't respond, he just stood up and brushed my hand off of his shoulder. I opened my mouth to say something but hesitated, quickly shutting it, decided it might be better if I just leave him alone for a while. 

Once night fell I glanced over to Darius' bed, he wasn't there, again. I climbed down the ladder, expecting Darius to be in the same spot he was yesterday, but he wasn't. I raised one of my eyebrows in slight confusion.

"Huh..?" I muttered before looking around the area. "Darius..?" I whispered. "Darius..?" I repeated. I soon pushed through the bushes that lead to the river near the tree house, noticing Darius sitting by the edge of the water, his hand sitting in the water. 

"What're you doing?" I asked, walking over to him. The moon was shining brighter than last  night, allowing me to see the tear stains on Darius' cheeks, I frowned, placing my arm around him.

"Nothing." He responded bluntly, moving away and brushing my arm off. I frowned.

"Okay, what's wrong?" I asked sternly, concerned for the boy.

"Nothing. I'll be fine." Darius replied, slightly irritated. 

"You did the thing!" I said, pointing at him.

"What thing?" He asked, shooting an angry glance at me. I shivered slightly, Darius was scary when he was angry.

"You said you were fine, when you weren't!" I said. Darius smiled slightly before standing and going to walk back to the treehouse.

"But seriously, it's nothing important." Darius said. I frowned, grabbing his wrist and stopping him from walking away. "It never mattered before, why does it matter now?" Darius said beneath his breath, hoping I wouldn't hear.

"What do you mean..?" I muttered, concerned. Darius tried pulling out of the hold I had on him but failed, eventually giving up and leaning against a tree, my hand still wrapped tightly around his wrist. 

"Never mind." Darius said.

"Your feelings matter, Darius." I said, letting go of his wrist and standing in front of him.

"No, they don't. Go back to bed." He said sternly, looking away from me. Presumably to hide his teary eyes.

"Yes, they do." I said, waiting for a response from Darius.

"Shut up, and go back to bed, Island boy." Darius said. I furrowed my eyebrows slightly, confused. Darius had never acted this way, or at least, not to me.

I can't do this again || BenriusOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant