Unwanted guests

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I went to run towards Bumpy before being pulled back by Darius.
"What are you doing? I need to go save Bumpy." I said angrily. Darius shook his head, glancing to the men standing next to the familiar man.

"They have guns." He commented.

"So?!" I whisper-yelled.

"I can't lose you, not again." Darius said, those words made my heart sink, was he really still affected by the time I fell off of the monorail? I mean, I obviously was but I never expected Darius to be.

I sighed before crouching down behind the bushes, slowly making my way around to get a better look at who was standing in front of Bumpy.

Mr Kon. 

Crap, I thought. He never had good intentions from the start, so I doubted his intentions were any good at this point either.

My eyebrows furrowed as fury built up. Soon disappearing as Darius rested his hand on my shoulder.

"We should go warn the others, I promise Bumpy will be okay,." Darius said reassuringly. I nodded as we quietly ran off toward the trees.

By the time we had returned the sky had fully darkened and Sammy and Yasmina were pacing the clearing, Yasmina was biting her nails.

"Oh thank God you two are okay!" Yasmina said, launching herself at us and hugging as tightly.

"You were gone for so long we started to get worried." Sammy said, appearing behind Yasmina.

Darius and I were both huffing from running here. "Daniel..." I muttered. "Kenji's father, Mr Kon is back on the island." I managed to say.

"What?!" Yasmina said, pulling away from the hug in disbelief.

"Why?!" Sammy asked, her country accent slipping through rather noticeably.

"We don't know, but we know he has bad intentions." Darius said.

"And he has Bumpy." I added sadly, grabbing onto my left arm as my gaze shifted to the ground. I guess when your sad something about the ground actually is interesting. Darius put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.

"Everything is going to be okay, Ben." He said. "We are going to get Bumpy back." He said reassuringly. His voice was shaky and I could tell something was bothering him.

"And we will find Blue." I said with a smile. He smiled back to me before turning back to Sammy and Yasmina.

"I suppose we should go tell Brooklynn and Kenji." Sammy said. We all nodded and began making our way to the old campsite.

"Brooklynn, Kenji." Darius whispered.

"Over here!" Brooklynn responded, she had made a small shelter from a few bits of rubble and vines and her and Kenji were laying beneath it.

"Mr Kon is back on the island." I said bluntly.

"What? Why? How?" Brooklynn asked, confused. Kenji sat up, focusing his attention on the four of us in front of him.

"We don't know, we don't know, by boat, plane or helicopter"  Sammy responded.

"And he has Bumpy." I added, frowning at the thought of what he might do to her. Darius sighed and put his hand on my back, then on my hip, pulling me ever so slightly closer to him. Honestly I don't know if it was to help him balance or to comfort me, presumably both.

Sammy and Yasmina eventually came over and hugged me, Darius joined and eventually Kenji and Brooklynn did too.

"Too... Much... Hugging..." Yasmina squeaked before the hug broke. We all chuckled slightly before beginning to talk about what we were going to do.

"Since Kenji told his father about the camp we made out of the rubble here we have to leave this spot or we risk getting caught by him and his men." Darius stated. Everyone nodded and we began heading back to the trees we stayed in the night before.

Brooklynn and Kenji were walking slowly behind the group, Brooklynn clearly felt bad and Kenji thought it was going to be too awkward.

"So... Kenji, what's it like with your 'new' arm?" I asked, trying to start up a somewhat friendly chat.

"It's alright, it's strange though, I keep trying to grab something with that arm and then it doesn't work because I have no lower arm " Kenji said, chuckling sadly.

"I'm sure you'll get used to it." I said, smiling at him. Kenji smiled back, appreciating the conversation.

"We're here!" Darius called from the front. We soon entered the clearing with the three large trees and a few crates of food, medical supplies and sticks that had either been made into spears or cane-like crutches.

"Jeez it looks like you've been out here for a month." Brooklynn commented.

"Actually I only found this place a week ago which was around four days before I found Ben... Being attacked by Blue." He said, muttering the last part.

"You let Blue attack Ben?!" Brooklynn yelled.

"No, I didn't. Blue went off without me and I lost her, now be quiet unless you want Mr Kon to find us." Darius said bluntly. I sighed before sitting down and resting against one of the trees

Brooklynn scoffed before sitting down and changing the conversation topic.

"Okay then, what's the plan?" She asked.

"Well..." Darius muttered. "We watch what they're doing for the day, then when we figure out what their exact intentions are. Then we plan from there." Darius said.

"That's a pathetic plan." Brooklynn said, rolling her eyes.

"Better than what you've ever done for us, Brooklynn." Sammy replied rudely. I snapped my head toward the country girl, surprised. This was probably one of the very few times I've heard Sammy be rude to someone.

I giggled slightly but quickly stopped when Brooklynn shifted her glare to me. Although it really made me want to laugh harder.

Once we had all discussed what we'd be doing in the morning we all split off and climbed into the trees. Darius and I slept in one, Sammy and Yasmina slept in one and Brooklynn slept in the other with Kenji resting against it since he couldn't climb it.

Sorry for the short chapter
(Yes Pixie, another cliffhanger haha)
1021 words. 

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