The Spinosaurolophus Rex

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I stumbled back as I realized what was about to happen. It was going to be like the Indominous Rex all over again, but this time I might die.
Mae rushed over, concerned.

"Darius? What's wrong love?" She asked, confused before looking at the screen. "What is that..?" She said, gasping.

"A Spinosaurolophus Rex..." I whispered in response, terrified. "They created another monster dinosaur... And when we turned the power on, the incubators turned on..." I said.

We both rushed out of the room and into the incubator room. We looked around the incubators, hoping not to find any open eggs.

I sighed with relief when I hadn't found any, but Mae was frozen in the corner.

"Mae..?" I muttered. She turned around, holding a large, cracked, and empty egg in her hands.

My body trembled and my breathing became shaky as I began hyperventilating.

"We're going to die here..." I muttered. Mae came over to me and rested her hand on my shoulder before pulling me into a hug.

"No, love, we are going to get out of here." She said confidently, not letting go of me.
I leaned into the hug, sobbing.

The quiet sobs were soon broken by a loud, gut-wrenching roar. I covered my ears as the sound echoed throughout the walls if the lab.

"We have to get out of here, now." Mae said urgently before grabbing my wrist and gently pulling me out of the lab, Bumpy and Blue following.

How long has this monster been lurking in the forest? How quick is it going to grow up? How old is it? When did it hatch?

Endless thoughts flurried through my mind as we ran and ran, running to the penthouse.

"But we've only fixed three of the holes!" I said. Mae shook her head.

"That doesn't matter, we need to get out of here." She said bluntly.

"But what about Bumpy and Blue?!" I asked, worried. Mae paused, her shoulder sinking. "We can't just leave them here!" I said as tears rolled down my face.

"Fine... We'll take them with us, but we have to go." She said, her voice cracking with urgency. "Quickly now, onto the boat!" She said as the ground beneath began shaking.

Bumpy walked into the boat and groaned anxiously. Mae quickly got onto the boat and started the engine. My heart pounded.

The large creature came bursting our of the bushes.

"How is it already that big?!"  Mae asked rhetorically.

"Well perhaps since it's a hybrid the organisms in it's brain are-" I said, cutting myself off in the end. "Right, rhetorical question." I muttered as Mae began steering the bost off shore.

"What... The... Hell..." I muttered as I realized the hybrid wasn't stopping. It was heading straight for the water at what I hoped was full speed.

The hybrid was soon emerged in the water, it's large spine still sticking out.

"Mae... Mae... Mae it can swim!" I shouted. I saw Mae freeze up in the captains room above and my body began trembling as the large dinosaur raked its side against the boat. 

Mae returned to reality and tried pulling the boat away from the dinosaur, steering it farther out to sea. The large carnivore followed, occasionally raising its head to look at me. 

My heart raced as the dinosaur opened its large mouth, chomping down on the side of the boat, causing it to tip slightly. 

Blue screeched as she held her balance and Bumpy planted her hoof-like feet into the floor. I grabbed the side railing and sighed with relief as the dinosaur let go, disappearing.

"Where did it go..?"  I whispered, looking at the water. Suddenly the Spinosaurolophus Rex launched itself out of the water and onto the boat, roaring loudly. I covered my ears and let go of the railing, sliding down towards its mouth. 

I attempted to grab onto something, failing. My heart pounded as the dinosaurs mouth got closer and closer. I was eventually grabbed by Blue, her teeth planted in my shirt. 

"Thanks Blue!" I said, panicked. I scrambled to my feet and grabbed the railing, Blue copied by grabbing the railing with her teeth.

 Bumpy on the other hand slammed her tail down onto the carnivores head, causing it so fall slightly back into the water. "BUMPY!" I yelled as the Spinosaurolophus Rex attempted to chomp down onto Bumpy's back. The Ankylosaurus let out a pained roar before scrambling forwards, teeth marks left in her body of armor. 

No blood had been shed but Bumpy's natural armor had been damaged. She hooked her tail onto the railing and roared loudly, Blue copying and screeching at the carnivore that was slowly crawling back onto the boat. 

The boat toppled sideways, causing Mae to collapse to the ground. She attempted to get up but failed, having to grab onto the wall for support. 

The carnivore let out a horrifying roar, some sort of mix between and Parasaurolophus call, a Spinosaurus roar and a terrifying shriek. 

I covered my ears again, hooking my foot onto the railing so I wouldn't slide. The dinosaur soon launched forwards, causing me to fall sideways as it latched itself onto the railing, trying to grab me. 

The carnivore let go and roared again, snapping it's teeth near my face. 

"AAH!" I screamed as the dinosaur grabbed my shoe. I tried kicking it off but failed. Suddenly Mae came rushing out of the captains room with a bat, smacking the dinosaurs head until it let go. We both scrambled backward, causing the boat to lay flat again.

The horrifying dinosaur eventually disappeared into the water.

My breathing was shaky and my body trembled as I looked at the water, waiting for it to launch again.

Suddenly the carnivore burst through the bottom of the boat, screeching loudly. Mae and I both screamed as we scrambled backward while the dinosaur slipped back into the ocean before popping up again behind us. 

I fell forward, almost falling into the crater the dinosaur created. Bumpy roared angrily before stepping backwards. The Spinosaurolophus Rex roared before slamming itself against the side of the boat. 

Blue launched herself at the dinosaur and bit at it's eyes, causing it to shake it's head and retreat back to shore. 

I hugged Mae tightly before wobbling. 

The boats sinking... "The boat's sinking!" I shouted. "What do we do?!" I asked as a storm began rolling in. 

"Crap..." Mae muttered. The waves became heavy, splashing water onto the boat. My body trembled. We were going to die here at sea. So were Blue and bumpy... 

A large wave rose before crashing into the boat, pulling parts of it underneath the ocean. I toppled over, hitting my head on the railing before passing out.


Hope you liked this chapter! Sorry it's kind of short. 

1133 words.

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