Mission Kon

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We all woke up at the crack of dawn, the sun slowly raising over the horizon. I climbed down the tree and stretched, waiting for the others to get down.

"I'm going to head down to the watering hole and check for Blue again." Darius said as he jumped down beside me before beginning to walk off.

"I'll come." I said, following after him. Once we had gotten a bit farther away from the others I sighed. "You okay?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I don't know to be honest, if one thing goes wrong something shitty could happen." Darius said.

"I'm sure nothing will go wrong!" I said reassuringly, putting my arm around his neck. 

Once we arrived at the watering hole we both split apart, searching in different directions for the raptor.

"Blue?!" I called, unable to see her. We eventually met up on the other side of the watering hole.

"Anything?" Darius asked hopefully. I shook my head with a frown. 

"I'm sure she's okay, we'll find her." I said with a warm smile. "Now come on, we should get back. We need to go over the plan again with the others." I said, nudging Darius before walking off. He nodded, catching up to me and entangling our hands. 

I smiled, Darius had used physical touch as some sort of coping mechanism lately and honestly, it was adorable. 

Once we arrived back at the clearing we both sat down and Sammy passed us a can of pineapple. I smiled at her and we began chatting about the plan.

"Alright, once we find Mr Kons base camp Yasmina and I will watch what he does throughout the day and try to figure out what his intentions are. While we do that, Darius and Sammy will try and break into whatever building they have there and try to find some useful information. For Brooklynn and Kenji... You two will keep guard at the watering hole, if they're here to get dinosaurs they will for sure go there first." I said, everyone nodded as they heard their names. I heard Brooklynn scoff slightly before getting up. 

"Come on Kenji, let's go." Brooklynn said. "Alright, see you guys later." She added before her and Kenji walked off towards the watering hole. 

"Their camp will most likely be by the docks, because if they're trying to get dinosaurs they'll definitely set up camp by the docks." Darius said. Sammy, Yasmina and I all nodded, soon running off in the direction of the docks, hoping to get there before Mr Kon and his men went off for the day.

We eventually arrived and Darius was right, there were large containers laid about and a few tents. We crouched down behind some bushes and began examining the camp.

"There's Mr Kon!" I whispered, pointing out the man in the distance who was talking to a heavily armored man. "Come on Yasmina." I said to the girl who was kissing her girlfriend. I chuckled slightly, they were so cute together. I kissed Darius on the cheek before Yasmina and I got up, quietly making our way through the bushes and over to where Mr Kon was.

Yasmina and I closely watched the man's actions, listening to his conversation from the bushes nearby. 

"Yes, Biosyn has entrusted me with getting new dinosaurs for their facility." Mr Kon said, my eyes widened. Biosyn was still up and running?  They had Bumpy... Bumpy was going to become a Biosyn owned dinosaur if I didn't get her out of there. 

Yasmina and I both followed quietly as they ventured deep into the jungle. 

Darius' POV:

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