Missing Dinosaurs

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Once we arrived back at camp we all sat down and began chatting about just... Random things, like always.

"I still can't believe Brooklynn lied about that." Yasmina said, still in shock and disbelief. We all nodded in agreement.

"I wonder what else she lied about while we were with her." I muttered before glancing over at Darius who seemed to be worried, staring off into the forest. "Something wrong, Dare?" I asked, nudging him to get his attention.

"Where's Blue?" Darius asked. "She's usually back by now." He then added, concerned as he shifted his gaze to Sammy, Yasmina, and I.

"I'm sure she's fine! She probably just got caught up in hunting some Compies." Sammy said reassuringly. Dairus nodded soon shifting his concerned gaze to the grass, as if there was something interesting on it. He was clearly bothered, he just didn't want to interrupt anything.

After a few minutes I sighed and stretched my arms above my head. "Hey, I'm going to go look for Bumpy. Does anyone want to come?" I asked, glancing toward Darius. "We can look for Blue while we're at it." I suggested, smiling at the younger boy. 

"Oh, yeah sure." He replied, I stood and offered my hand to him. He accepted it and I pulled him off of the ground, causing him to stumble into my arms. We both chuckled slightly before walking off, waving to Sammy and Yasmina who decided to stay behind. 

"So... Should we head down to the watering hole first?" I suggested. Darius nodded and we began our way down to the watering hole first. 

"That's the most-likely place for them to go." He said, leaning on me slightly as his leg was still aching. We eventually arrived at the watering hole but were unable to see Blue or Bumpy. 

"Strange... Most of Bumpy's herd is here..." I acknowledged, noticing the Ankylosaurus herd across the large lake. 

"Maybe she's gone back to the old camp to look for you?" Darius suggested, nudging me slightly, trying to reassure me. I nodded and sighed, putting a hopeful smile on as we slowly made our way back to the old camp, where Brooklynn and Kenji were.

Once we arrived I avoided eye contact with Brooklyn and Darius started a small conversation. I mean, I wouldn't blame him, Kenji is like a brother to him. 

"How's he doing?" Darius asked Brooklynn, glancing to the resting boy.

"He's alright, he woke up for a few minutes before but passed out due to shock, I think." Brooklynn responded.

"Oh." Darius said as we looked around camp.

"What're you looking for?" Brooklynn asked.

"Bumpy and Blue." I responded, leaning against one of the still-standing structural beams of the old camp. Darius sighed, sitting down next to me and stretching out his leg, exhaling deeply. 

'You okay?" I asked, concerned. Darius responded with a simple nod before hoisting himself off of the ground, ensuring he was stable by resting his hand on my shoulder. I sighed, wrapping my arm around his torso.

Darius blushed slightly before leaning into my side. 

"We should probably get going now, before it gets too dark to make our way back to the trees." I said, noticing the sky had begun to slowly darken. Darius nodded and we continued looking for the two dinosaurs, hoping nothing had gotten to them by this time.

"Bumpy!" I called as we wandered aimlessly throughout the jungle. "Maybe try calling for Blue." I suggested, glancing to Darius who nodded. 

"Blue!" Darius called. He soon put his fingers up to his mouth and whistled loudly, whistling for the raptor. "Strange..." He muttered. "Blue!" He called again. He paused, obviously tired and aching. 

"Darius, if we need to stop you can just tell me." I said, shaking my head slightly. 

"No, shh." Darius said, putting his finger up to his lips as his listened to the familiar sounds in the distance. 

My eyebrows furrowed as I listened to the familiar sounds as well, the sound of thudding and a familiar groan-like roar. "Bumpy!" I said as the realization hit me. We then rushed over to where the sound was and it was Bumpy with something else... Or should I say... Someone else.

Sorry for another short chapter!

I promise the next few chapters will be much longer! PS: I didn't read over this one so there are most likely mistakes.

721 words.

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