You were all like my family.

266 11 25

I yawned as I sat up, groaning slightly. Great, another day of crappy school. I slowly pulled myself out of bed and stood, grabbing my uniform from the desk.

I sighed before quickly getting dressed and grabbing my phone off of it's charger. I put it in my pocket and exited Darius' room, walking downstairs to the living room.

"Morning Mrs Bowman." I said as I noticed her in the kitchen.

"Morning Ben!" She responding cheerfully. "Are you going to go back to your mother's house this afternoon?" She asked.

I shrugged, sitting down on the couch and waiting for Kenji.

"Alright..." She muttered before walking over. "Goodness me, what happened to your eye?!" She asked, worried. Guess it was too dark for her to see yesterday.

"Oh nothing, just some assholes at school." I responded with a reassuring smile.

"Sweetheart, are you getting bullied?" She questioned. I hesitated before responding.

"Yeah." I muttered. She frowned, sitting down next to me and placing her hand on my shoulder.

"How about I call your mother and get you the day off." She suggested. I smiled at her, nodding. "Alright, I'll be right back, feel free to go and get changed back into some comfortable clothes." She said. I smiled before walking back up to Darius' room.

The Bowman's were like a second family to me, although they still don't know why Darius and I were so close, they just thought we were good friends.

I sighed before grabbing my hoodie and jeans from yesterday and changing into them, leaving my uniform on the dresser. I then walked downstairs to see Kenji waiting impatiently in the living room.

"Why aren't you in your uniform?" He asked, I shrugged before responding.

"I'm not going today." I said. Kenji sighed before grabbing his bag.

"Okayy leaving me to walk by myself" he whined. "Anyways, I've gotta go, see you." He said as he walked past. "Bye mom, love you!" He called as he walked out the door.

I sat down on the couch and looked at my hands, I clenched the necklace that dangled from my neck and began zoning out, lost in my thoughts. 

Maybe I could join Darius, I mean... It would get rid of the bullying, and I would be able to see him in the afterlife.

I shook the thoughts from my head and walked back up to Darius' old room.

"Ben, darling! I've got to pop out to the store really quickly, would you like to come?" I heard Mrs Bowman call from downstairs.

"No thank you Mrs Bowman!" I replied.

"Alright, I'll be back soon. If you leave make sure to leave a note!" She said.

I hummed in response before heading the front door close. I sighed and laid back on Darius' bed. What was I going to do? Why did I have these thoughts?

I covered my eyes before remembering what Mrs Bowman said, a note. Maybe I could write a note goodbye...

I made my way downstairs and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and began scribbling down a few words.

"I'm sorry it had to be like this, I've always seen you guys as my family. I loved Darius too much and I just can't let go of him. I'm going to join him, don't worry, I'll tell him you all said goodbye.
- love, Ben."

I finished writing and my heart ached. I folded up the note, took the necklace off and laid it on top. Brandon was upstairs so I hoped he wouldn't see it as soon as I walked out.

I held the necklace one more time before exiting the door and walking down street to the nearest bridge.

Once I arrived I climbed onto the railing and sat there for a moment. Was I really about to do this?

I sighed as a single tear rolled down my cheek. I stared off the bridge and looked down at the taunting ground beneath.

I took my final breath and prepared to jump before I was pulled backwards by a familiar person.

Brandons POV:

I slammed my hands on my desk in frustration as the screen in front of me flashed the words "YOU LOST" I sat back in my chair before hearing the door open and close again.

Hm, must be mom home already.
I thought. I soon stood up and walked downstairs to greet her.

"Hey mom!" I said, cutting myself off as I noticed she wasn't down here. I glanced over to the kitchen bench and noticed a necklace and a note.

"What's this..?" I muttered, grabbing Darius' old necklace and lifting the note, reading it thoroughly. "Oh no, no, no..." I whispered to myself before shoving the necklace in my pocket and racing out the door.

I ran as fast as I could to the nearest bridge, my heart was pounding. I didn't know where Ben was, and I didn't know where he was going to do it.

I felt tears fog my eyes, I couldn't lose another person I cared about, not now, not ever.

I eventually reached the bridge and looked around for the younger boy, hoping I wasn't too late. I soon noticed him on the other side of the bridge sitting on the railing.


I ran to him, my heart pounding. I felt tears leave my eyes and roll down my face as I noticed his change in body language, he was about to jump. 

I reached my hand forward and grabbed his wrist, pulling him off of the railing. I pulled him into a tight hug.

"Ben, what were you thinking?" I asked frantically.

Ben didn't respond, he just sunk into the hug and cried.

"Come on, let's get you home..." I whispered. I pulled away from the hug and lead the way back home, my heart still pounding.

I can't do this again || BenriusWhere stories live. Discover now