Sun and Moon.

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One day at the JTD. The team is listening to a demo. Everyone in the room is bobbing their head to the tune. Afterwards, everyone clapped. They're with the big boss - Howard - because they're handing this song to a budding indie artist that the company is grooming.

Howard: (mid-40s)(clapping) Another project from the Genius Lab!

Team: (cheers) Wooh!

Rad smiles and blushes.

Howard: So, Kash here told me this one goes to your girl? Sun, right?

Rad glares at his very big-mouthed best friend who's sheepishly smiling at him.

Rad: Um...(clears throat) yes sir. (smiles)

Howard: You know, I must thank Sun for bringing out that glow in you. Not that you're losing your touch - you're born a genius, period. (gestures) But this. This kind of vibe, it's...fresh. it's...(snaps fingers)

Kash: Coming from the heart?

Howard: (points Kash) Coming from the heart, yes! A happy heart!

The team started teasing Rad.

Howard: (stands) Okay then. Just a few edits and we're ready to roll. (shakes Rad's hand) Congratulations, man.

When everyone left the room...

Howard: Seriously, let me take you and Sun to dinner. (taps Kash's arm) Bring this amazing partner of yours, too.

The two chuckled.

Rad: Yes sir, I'll let her know.

Howard: Good. I'm free tomorrow night if that works. Just let my secretary know.

And so the couple accepted Howard's invitation and brought Kash with them who's been fifth wheeling all night because Howard brought his wife, too. It's a casual dinner. Howard's wife is an interior designer and is opening her showroom soon. She asked Sun if she could do the photos for her website and portfolio, as well as cover their opening.

After their dinner, the trio grabbed a couple of drinks before heading home. Sun's staying at Rad's. Rad's finishing something up in his studio while Sun's in the shower. Holly and Chucky are chilling on his studio's couch. Then there's a knock.

Rad: Yeah? Come in.

Sun: (peeks) Still busy? (shows mug) Brought you coffee. (smiles)

Rad: (smiles) Come here, you.

Sun steps in and puts Rad's cup of coffee on the table. Rad pulls her, lets her sit on his lap and hugs her.

Sun: Tired?

Rad: A bit. (kisses her arm)

Sun: Aw. (massages his temples) Can I wait here 'till you finish?

Rad: Of course.

Sun: Okay, I'll stay here with our boys then. (gives him a smooch) Wrap up my love, I don't want to go to bed alone.

Rad: (smiles) Yes ma'am.

Sun sits on the couch and the boys immediately cuddle with her. Sun is reading a book while giving the boys the same amount of belly rubs. While waiting for a file to export, Rad removes his eyeglasses and turns his chair to check on Sun. She's already sleeping with a book in her hand and the boys cuddling her. Rad chuckles quietly and wraps things up some minutes later. Sun must be so exhausted from her busy work week that she didn't even budge when Rad carried her like a bride to his room. Holly and Chucky went to their beds in the living room.

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