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Some months later, Rad attended an awards night. It's not his thing, but he's accepting his first award so he needs to go. He brought Sun as his date of course. Rad is wearing an all-black suit while Sun is wearing a champagne colored 2-piece fit - a cropped sequins top and a flowy ankle length skirt. Rad sees a lot of guys stealing glances on his girl so he's extra clingy that night. Kash went with them, too wearing an all-plum suit.

Rain poured after the event. They even went to the fellowship dinner, but the rain never stopped. While waiting for the valet.

Rad: (puts his coat around her) Are you gonna be okay? Do you want to wait till it stops?

Sun: It's okay love. (smiles softly)

Rad: (holds her hand) Don't worry, I'm here with you, okay?

Sun nods. She's still a bit nervous though. The rain is heavy and the lightning and thunder are so in sync. Her eyes are closed the entire ride home while Rad never lets go of her hand just to assure her that she's going to be fine.

Rad decided to just bring her to his place to avoid getting soaked since he's parking in the basement. When they reach his apartment, Rad pops a bottle of champagne for Sun and pours some whisky for himself. Sun removes the pins from her hair that holds her messy bun and lets her hair flow. She sits on the couch facing the huge window as she looks at the rain.

Rad: (gives her a glass of bubbles) Something to calm your nerves down. (smiles)

Sun: (smiles) Thank you. (takes glass)

Rad sits beside her and lets her lean on him as they drink their liquor.

Rad: Still terrified?

Sun shakes her head.

Rad: (kisses her head) I hope one day I can make all your fears disappear, my love.

Sun: (smiles and hums) Hm, that's so sweet. (leans her head on Rad's chest) Thank you for always making me feel safe. (puts Rad's arm around her shoulders)

Rad: You are most welcome. (drinks his whisky)

After a moment of silence.

Rad: Ah, I've been meaning to ask, but I always forget.

Sun: (hums) Hm? What's that? (sips her champagne)

Rad: The photo you gave me a few months back.

Sun: (nods) Mm-hm? Which cat? There were two. (chuckles)

Rad: Ha-ha, nice one lady.

Sun: (giggles) I'm just kidding. (kisses his arm) Yeah what's up?

Rad: The photo of your cat - meaning me. (Sun chuckles softly) I'm not sure I get the caption just right or there's something else in there.

Sun: Ahh. "The calmest rain"?

Rad nods and hums.

Sun: It actually means two things: First, that must be the calmest rain in my life after that whole traumatic event because you're there with me. Second, I don't know. When I was developing that image of yours, all I could think of was...you're basically like rain. You poured into my life without warning, sudden yet very peaceful. And calm. (looks at him) That's why I tagged it as the calmest rain. You are my calmest rain. (smiles sweetly)

Rad can't even utter one word. He's blushing and he's just staring down at his girl.

Sun: (touches his face) I love you.

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