Rad & Kash.

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Days passed since they made it official, but they still did not tell anyone. One day at JTD - Kash's office. Rad is sitting on the couch, playing with a basketball.

Rad: No. (throwing a basketball up to the air)

Kash: They agreed to do the original. This is the only thing they want now.

Rad: Then let's not do it.

Kash: Oh come on, you know yourself that you can do this.

Rad: I really can, I just don't want to. (stands and puts ball on the table)

Kash: (sighs) Do you really want me to use my last card just to convince you?

Rad: And that's?

As if on cue, there's a knock on the door and it swings open.

Sun: (eyes stuck on her tablet) Hey Kash? What do you think of these shots? (Looks up) Aren't they a bit- Oh hi! You're here!

Sun gives Rad a hug.

Rad: Busy?

Sun: (breaks the hugs) A bit. (Smiles)

Rad pouts like a little boy, asking for a kiss. Just naturally, Sun gives him three smooches and Kash was beyond shocked. His eyes bugged out, his jaws hanging.

Sun: I just need these checked. (Chuckles, wiping off the lipstick from Rad's lips) Sorry.

Kash: Wait, what the fuck???

Rad: Oh. Yeah, we're finally together. (Smiles)

Kash: I am not happy that you kept this from me for I don't know how long, but I am definitely happy for you guys! Finally!

He hugs them tight.

Kash: Oh gosh, I am so fucking happy for you two!

Rad: Yeah you don't need to add 'fuck' to every sentence now. (taps his back) Okay enough. Get off me. Now.

Sun chuckles.

Kash: You asshole. (hugs Sun) I'll just hug your girl instead.

Sun: Aww. (hugs Kash)

Kash: (whispers) I hope you can stand this grumpy guy.

Sun laughs.

Rad: I heard you. Now (pushes Kash) off my girl. (pulls Sun and lets her sit beside him)

Sun leans on Rad as he wraps his left arm across her chest like a cuddle hug.

Kash: (groans) Agh! You guys are so cute! (takes his phone out) Okay I need to get this. Smile!

They both obeyed.

Kash: Ahh, my man looks so happy.

Rad: I really am. (kisses Sun's temple)

Kash: And clingy too.

Sun laughs.

Rad: Now that you're happy, can we forget about your proposal?

Kash: Oh hell no. (points Sun) My lucky card has arrived.

Rad sighs.

Sun: What's going on? (sits up)

Kash: You probably know how things got a bit shaky with the song that Rad has written for Kai, right?

Sun: (nods) Mm-hm.

Kash: So we passed the song to Max, one of our artists and without second thoughts, he agreed to do the song only if Rad agreed to do the rap part.

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