Chapter 16

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*Andrea's POV*

I saw her. Out of all those people I saw her.

"JENN!" I run towards and grab her wrist.

"Jenn I am so glad I found you!" I hugged her. She reeked of alcohol and tobacco. She was drunk.

"Jenn let's go!" I grab her wrist but, she pulls away.

"Jenn come on!"

"No I'm staying here!"

"No you're not!"

"Yes I am! These people are my friends!"

"Jenn you're drunk these people are not your friends!"

"YES THEY ARE!" I keep grabbing her wrist but, she just pulls away. A guy walks towards Jenn. He had brown hair and he had a cigarette sticking out of his mouth.

"Hey babe!", he says to Jenn. He wraps his arms around her and kisses her head.

"Who are these people?", he asks.

"Nobody. Just some people that think they're my friends." They walk away together.

"Fine! I don't need you! I regret looking for you!", I shout. I walk back in the car with Kian and Jc. I lean my head on the steering wheel and cry.

"Any luck?", the boys ask.

"No! She doesn't want to see me anymore."

"I'm cool with that.", I lie but, it was totally obvious I miss her.

I cry and Kian rubs my back. I drive away.

*Jenn's POV*

A random girl kept grabbing my wrist and telling me she was taking me back. I kept telling her no. She looked and sounded familiar but, I had way too much to drink. Luckily, my boyfriend came and took me away from them. I love him.

"Did you know those people?", Jack asks me.

"No. They were just random people that thought they were friends with me. They're crazy!" I cry all scared in his chest.

"Babe it's ok.", he comforts me.

"Ssh ssh." He rubs my back.

"You're safe with me now ok?"

"Ok." He pecks my lips.

"Let's get out of here.", he says. He grabs my hand and we walk back to his place. We open the front door and he smashes me against the wall. He kisses and I kiss him back. His lips find my sweet spot on my neck. I moan.

"Jump.", he commands. I jumped wrapping my legs around his torso. He takes me to his room and lays me on the bed. He locks the door even though no one else was around. We make out again and it gets heated. I rip his shirt off and we rip all our clothes off. We break the kiss and he takes out a condom. He kisses me again. He finds my sweet spot and I moan. He kisses his way down to my stomach. I wrap my legs around him and I'm on top of him. I find his sweet spot on his neck and he moans. My hand finds his bulge, grabbing it.

*in the morning*

Me and Jack woke up wrapped in each other's arms.

"Morning babe.", Jack says in his sexy morning voice.

"Morning." I try to get up but, Jack's grip is too strong.

"No stay here you're warm.", he says. I cuddle with him again.

Hey guys! So do you think Jenn and Andrea are ever gonna be friends again? I know this chapter kind of sucked but, I feel like I'm running out of ideas. But, I'm still going to finish this story because, I think it's turning out good. What do you think?

Please vote and comment! -Sam<3

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