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[An] I swear I have been rewriting this chapter over and over again. But I promised you a chapter so here it is. I'm pretty excited for what's to come so if something doesn't go horribly wrong  there should be two chapters released close to eachother. So strap in  and here we go.

[Y/N's POV]: 

Walking to the courtyard I was immediately taken by the atmosphere. Love was litearlly in the air. Glancing around I saw many couples were already dancing. This event was a first for me as before I'd either be alone or be takin care of the family. I decided to hastily find Nino as I didn't want to make her wait any longer. I didn't look for her for too long as she was one of the few people standing alone watching the others. I bowed down and offered her my hand.

Y/N: Would you like to dance? 

Nino: Gladly.

When she took my hand I nearly forgot about the constant pain coming from my right arm. I was so absorbed in the moment that the outside world ceased to exist for me. It was only me, her and the campfire.

Y/N: Sorry.

Nino: For what?

Y/N: For being such a terrible dancer.

Nino: What are you even saying, you're doing fine.

Y/N: Really?

Nino: Yeah really.

We were dancing for only a few minutes but it felt like hours to us. We stared deep into eachothers eyes as we danced around the fire exchanging a few words here and there. It was almost magical. The distance between us became smaller and smaller with each passing minute until there was none at all. Embracing her in my arms I felt our hearts beating like there was no tomorrow. In that moment in time I truly felt happy. I finally did it. I found the girl I truly love. As the countdown to the end of the dance began I held her hand and together we stared into the flame.

Nino: If only this moment could last forever.

Y/N: Yeah, if only.

"Ten. Nine. Eight." The coundown was so slow for us. Each second lasted for what felt like a minute counting down to the inevitable end. If I wanted to say something it was now or never.

Y/N: These past few months were truly magical weren't they?

Nino: You're the one that made them magical.

"Seven. Six." 

Y/N: Incorrect. We made them magical. Through each mishap through each accident. Through each heartwarming moment. With you I felt something I never felt before.

Nino: And what was that?

" Five. Four."

Y/N: Love.

She smiled and brought her face closer to mine.

Nino: Me too.

" Three. Two."

Y/N: I'm in love with you Nino Nakano and I don't want to spend another minute without you. Would you grant this fool's selfish wish and become my girlfriend?


Nino: Yes.

The moment the fireworks hit the sky our lips connected for the first time. Time was no longer a concept for us as we both fully indulged in the moment.  We exchanged a thousand words without ever speaking one as in that moment our souls connected. When I pulled away it didn't take her long to go in for a second one.

Nino: Never knew you were such a good kisser.

Y/N: Me neither, guess it runs in the family.

Nino: You're joking right?

Nightrunner's butterfly [Nino Nakano x Male reader]Where stories live. Discover now