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[AN] Another sunday, another chapter. Hey there fellas, how have you been? I've been doing fine as of late, and I'm super excited to once again be writing. Other than that there will be an announcement this wednesday, regarding future works, so stay tuned if you want to find out more. I've also updated my profile and pinned up my schedule, so you can better keep up with my releases. And that about wraps it up, I wish you all a pleasant day. Later.

[Y/N' POV]:

Y/N: I deserve a medal. No seriously. If not a medal, than an award or an achievement.

Fuutarou: How... *huffs* can you... *puffs* still speak while running.

Y/N: 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and 10Km worth of running every day.

Fuutarou and the girls in sync: Eeeeh?

Y/N: Joking, I'm joking. Just try to excersise more frequently.

Ichika: You're...  amazing... Y/N.

Y/N: How so?

Ichika: Not only... are you capable... of leading a conversation... while running, you... you're carrying out a conversation... while running... and carrying... all our stuff. 

Nino: You're even... holding back... so you wouldn't... leave us behind.

Miku: Unlike a certain... someone.

Yotsuba: Hurry up everyone! We're leaving you behind Uesugi-san!

That girl, where does she get her energy from? Even though I look fine, I'm getting tired from carrying all that extra weight. I could be carrying 35 kilos worth of school supplies. That's 30 more than I'm used to. While my brother and the girls are bickering about why we didn't have a ride to take us to school, I'm desperately trying to conserve energy in case of an emergency. You never know when you'll need it. Suddenly Nino stopped.

Nino: I don't want people to see me without makeup.

Y/N: You're pretty regardless, keep moving.

Thank god nobody noticed that. Well nobody but Nino, who blushed a bit. Okay situation one defused. Oh great, Miku's helping an elderly lady cross. We don't have time for this.

Y/N: I'll take over, keep going.

Miku: Oh, okay.

Elderly lady: Is everything alright?

Y/N: Sorry, she's late for an exam and I can't have one of my students miss any of their exams.

Elderly lady: You're tutoring her? I see. You're doing a great job. Are you sure you can get to school in time though?

Y/N: Don't worry, I'm pretty athletic.

Elderly lady: I see.

After helping the old lady cross, I used my saved up energy and caught up to the group. Fuutarou just finished waking up Ichika and resumed the marathon.

Itsuki: *huffs and puffs* I can't... I can't take it anymore.

Uesugi brothers in sync: Don't give up. Not yet.

Itsuki: No, I'm spent.

Y/N: Then surpass your limits Itsuki!

She stopped.

Fuutarou: Itsuki?!

Itsuki: I'm too hungry! I'm too hungry to move!

I sighed and pulled out a strange sealed bag from my backpack and handed it to Itsuki.

Nightrunner's butterfly [Nino Nakano x Male reader]Where stories live. Discover now