Cramming session vol.1

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[AN] I'm back, yet again and this time I'm feeling better than ever. I managed to change my sleeping schedule ever so slightly, so now I don't feel like dying every day.  No seriously the improtance of sleep cannot be understated and I'm so glad that I managed to set my "regime" right just ever so slightly.

 Anyway the reason I've been releasing chapters at a snail's pace is simple. Work, work, homework. Rinse and repeat. That about sums it up. I decided to release longer chapters, so that you guys have something to read, while I try to survive the week. Regarding the fic, don't worry, I'm not planning to stop writing any time soon. However since I have to dedicate more time to school, as I already mentioned, I have to write the chapters on the weekends and even then I have mountains of homework. So as I said, longer chapters, around six thousand words each, being released every week or two. Hope atleast that makes it up to you guys. Since this is my second project, I'm so grateful for every comment and every vote that I recieve. You guys are amazing. We even managed to reach number one in the yotsubanakano category yesterday(24.10.2021), which I consider a huge achievement. Like I said, you guys are amazing.

 Last thing I'd like to mention is that yes, I think of future projects from time to time, but I like to stay focused on the present and finish whatever I've started. For anyone that's curious, yes, I write down possible story drafts. If an idea seems interesting, i write it down, so I don't forget it  later. I've had a few not so good ones, few good ones that I scraped and a few really good ones still remaining.

The last one I'm still working on is a real banger, that I'd love to realize one day. I've had help with it from a really good friend of mine and I've got to say, we both were having a hell of a time. If you're interested, I'm going to give you a quick sneak peak, that fans of both series will catch on instantly. We were working out possible balancing factors and let me tell you, it was a pain in the butt. We had to evauluate strengths, weaknesses, evolution, variations, chakra cost, it was madness. To add to that we added some real world physics to justify the manifestation of the crusaders power. Even though it's psychological energy, it's still an energy. And energy doesn't just disappear. Well, I think that's really enough rambling for today. Enjoy the chapter and see ya in a week or two.

[Y/N's POV]:

Y/N: Now where was I, ah yes. Let's talk about your late behaviour, little brother.

Fuutarou: Bro, you have to calm down, there are people watching.

I looked around and he was right, there was a small crowd forming around us. Well I can't blame them, I was about to give my life's performance. Still it ticked me off that this is a part of the human nature. I scoffed.

Y/N: Nothing to see here, now buzz off will you.

The crowd begun to slowly disperse as I cracked my knuckles making Fuutarou flinch. I wasn't planning on hitting him again, it's just that intimidation works best in these kinds of situations.

Y/N: Now that's all sorted, let's have a little talk about manners, little brother.

Before I could continue, he interrupted my with a counter of his.

Fuutarou: You don't  get to lecture me on manners, you delinquent.

That earned him an another karate chop to the head.

Fuutarou: Ow.

Y/N: You out of all people should know, that I ain't one. Besides, I know how and when to act. And if I were to act like a snob all day, would you think I'd have any friends? I like the way I am, thank you very much, and I don't intend on acting in any other way.

Fuutarou: Okay, I'm sorry. Gee, can we go home now?

Y/N: Oh no, you're getting the full lecture and don't you dare complain.

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