Cramming session vol.2

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[AN] And the long awaited chapter arrives. Sorry guys for the long wait. As many of you know, I've been sick for the past week and a half. Combined with catching up at school, yeah I didn't have much free time. Aside from that, I'm glad I got to get back to writing. I'm gonna try to update more frequently, but I'm not sure how that'll work out just yet. I had a lot of things considered during that period. More solid release schedule, a new story and a lot of minor things. I'll try to cover most of them in the near future, so stay tuned guys. That's it for now, and I wish you all nice reading.

[Y/N's POV]:


I was in full on panic mode, seeing the predicament I got myself into. This is bad, this is so bad. My mind was working overtime, trying to figure out why this had happened. Was I teleported during the night, did Nino come to cuddle, or am I just this stupid? As much as I'd like to believe that I got telekinetic prowess or that Nino felt that lonely, I have to say that indeed I am this stupid.

I glanced around, assesing the situation. First things first, time. I stealthily unlocked my phone and sighed in relief. Okay 6:15, not great not terrible. If I'm correct, Nino'll wake up soon, since she's the cook of the family. Not good. I think the others will wake up around 7, no make it 7:30 taking Ichika into consideration. Wait a second. Yotsuba, the overly energetic girl. She totaly destroys my calculations. She might be up getting up soon, or worse. I remained silent, trying to catch any noises from the living room. It wasn't exactly easy, given that I was constantly distracted. Morning rays of sunlight pierced through the shutters, lighting up the beautiful girl whose head resided on my chest. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep. God what would I give just to be able to wake up to this every morning. I gently tried to detach myself from her, trying my hardest not to wake her up.

Nino: hnnn...

I froze and glanced at her. She purred, pulled me into a tighter embrace and continued being the cutest being in the universe. I almost sighed in relief. Waking her up right now would be awkward and would most likely result in some sort of a injury. However things could be more difficult right now. Let's say someone were to see us right now, it would turn into one of those unexplainable situations, that we all hate. Well, just imagine walking into a room you assume you'd find two sisters occupying, only to find a girl sleeping with her arms locked around a nearly buck naked guy's neck, who's embarrasingly staring a hole through you. Yeah, that's a game over on my part. Okay, enough wasting time, now's the time to pull of a Hoodini. Slowly, but steadily I freed myself from her lovely embrace. Blood started re-entering my arm, making me hold back a grunt. It was really unpleasant feeling like thousands of ants just bit me at the same time, but I was on a mission and letting such trivial thing like pain stop me would be embarrasing. I finished freeing myself and slowly lifted the covers of me. Still sitting on the bed, I listened for any further movements. I whispered to myself.

Y/N: Okay, so if I did the maths correctly I might be...

 And then my phone's second alarm went off. And it wasn't the type of alarm I needed at the moment. Since the accident with the alarm clock I always set up multiple alarms, just in the case of an emergency. And boy oh boy was this a loud one. I managed to snatch the phone and turn it off, before it woke up the entire appartment, but not in time before it woke up the sleeping beauty. She slowly opened her eyes, signalling my impending doom.

Y/N: Good morning sunshine.

She yawned before closing her eyes again, looking cute as ever. I'm really over the moon with her, aren't I?

Nino: Good morning.

Y/N: ...

Nino: ...

Her eyes slammed open and she looked like she was about to scream for her life. Well my dumb reflexes decided to prevent that at all costs and here I am, on top of her, covering her mouth. How I got there? No idea. The next thing I knew, I was trying my hardest to salvage the situation.

Nightrunner's butterfly [Nino Nakano x Male reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon