The festival, where the flame was kindled

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[AN] I don't know about you guys, but I've had a terrible week. No free time, loads of work with miserable results and a major lack of sleep to top it all of. At last, friday had arrived with weekend following suit. Oh the sweet little reward that are weekends am I right folks? Okay, enough of this drama. Regarding the fanfic, I am genuinly enjoying writing this, and I plan not to stop until I drop. And with that rhyme, I'd like to wish you all pleasant reading and I'll catch you all in the next chapter.

[Y/N's POV]:

Nino: D-do you hate me?

Her sudden question caught me off guard.

Y/N: What?

Nino: Do you hate me?

I responded impulsively.

Y/N: No, why would I ever come to hate you?

Nino: From the day we met, I was nothing but trouble to you. I drugged your brother. I made tutoring living hell for you. Even when we were talking together, I kept avoiding eye contact with you. Are you telling me that you weren't angry at me for that.

She had a point. She wasn't just a obstacle me and my brother to overcome. She was the obstacle. The everchanging, everescalating, everevolving wall that we had to find a way to either maneuver around or climb over. And that drugging buisness? That still doesn't sit right with me.

Y/N: I was, actually I was fuming when you drugged him.

Nino: Then why?

I ask myself that question every day. Why did I just forgive her. Yes I was angry for a while, and rightfully so. Stuff like that doesn't happen every day to a person. But even back then, I couldn't begin to bring myself to hate her. There was this feeling. What is it called? Like now, I was pulled to her by this mysterious force. Her charms? Maybe. The mystery behind her true self. The true self that she keeps hidden like Michael theorised? Maybe. Our similarities? Definitely? How do I put this.

Y/N: Because I like you.

And just like that, my often rational and organised mind, descened into chaos. The panic that arose from the realization of the weight behind the words my dumb self decided to let out. It was insane. I couldn't sort my thoughts and whenever I cleared one of them, another two took it's place. It was unbearable. The only thing that remained sort of solid were the thougts about me and Nino. And let me tell you, there were tons of them. It was like my brain was deliberately creating false images of me and her as enemies and to counter that images of me and her as a pair, the latter making me blush like crazy. Why? Why am I blushing. It's not like I love her or anything. Hold up. Wait a minute. Why am I being a tsundere right now. This isn't right. I have to maintain my coolness. If I make a fool of myself now, I'll regret it for the rest of my life namely when I'll really need to get some sleep. Okay let's say no to sleepless nights and focus on the situation. I pulled together all the brainpower I had to find a solution to this seemingly impossible problem. And I failed. Why can't I think of a way how to get out of this. Could it be that there is no right answer. Okay, time to be cool and kinda dickish I guess.

Nino: W-wha...

Y/N: And if I like you as a friend or as a person or even more, is up to you to figure out.

I nervously smiled and bolted out of there, leaving a poor perplexed Nino in the dust. I felt bad, but that was the best solution I could think of.


What, oh right I'm back home. I arrived an hour ago and I've been talking to Michael for a while now.

Y/N: What was I supposed to do, tell her I love her?

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