The court of Nakano

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[AN] I know, I know, I'm late. Plus this chapter is considerably shorter then all the previous ones. How come? Well after discussing it with my friend, I decided to spilt the story in two shorter ones, that fit thematically when separated. The next chapter should be coming on friday or thursday, depending on my level of exhaustion from school. Yeah, it's only been like a week and I'm already exhausted. Don't worry, it can only go downhill from that. Well that's enough rambling for one chapter. The rambles shall continue in the next one.

[Y/N's POV]:

"Well. Frick."

I slowly turned around to see the person, that just sealed my fate. I quickly ran simulations of events that might unfold in a matter of seconds. If the photographer is Ichika, she took it to tease us both. Nino's under me, so she's out of the picture. Miku should still be bathing. Yotsuba is with the club. So that leaves... oh no. Please don't be Itsuki, please don't be Itsuki. I turned and low and behold.

Itsuki: I thought you're better than this. You disgust me.

Well, I guess my luck ran out. As I said, you win some you lose some. So, what now?

Few minutes later

'You've got to be kidding me, they went this far?' These thoughts ran through my mind as I was seated as the defendant in the court of Nakano. Well it could have been worse. I have Miku defending me. Since she was informed by Fuutarou, she should understand the predicament I got myself into. Even though almost nobody would even imagine the situation I got myself into few minutes ago. I mean, how many people forget their backpack and get to see an almost naked girl, escape detection Jurassic Park style, get a "back massage", save the girl and end up in "court" for it. 'I think I might be in love with this girl' I jokingly said to myself.

???: Defendant Uesugi.

I mean she called me hot and cute, that doesn't exactly happen every day. I mean not to a guy like me. What am I thinking, she must have said it either as a joke or sarcastically.

???: Defendant Uesugi?

But what if there's a chance. What if I am attractive to her. What if she really likes me? What if...


Y/N: Yes ma'am?

Itsuki: What, you're not even taking this seriously.

Ickika: My, my, you shouldn't  space out during a court case Y/N-kun. It could end up badly for you.

Miku: Such a lousy client.

Nino: ...

Wow this is serious. Oh, okay. Time to be serious for once. What to do what to do. Man this is some 4D chess shenanigans right here.

Y/N: Your honor, it' s a false charge. I'm innocent.

Okay, your move Nino.

[Nino's POV]:

Why can't I think straight. Stupid Uesugi, making my thoughts all jumbly. Who does he think he is. He enters our home without permission, pretends to be someone else and then pushes me to the ground. That moron. I'll have his skin for that. He saw me half naked. And he was so close to me. So. Damn. Close. O-our faces almost touching. His deep, deep blue eyes. It was like he was staring into my soul. And that nervous smile of his. That damn smile. I can't think straight.  Even when he's just sitting next to me, I can still see him towering over me, staring at me. I'll get back at him for making me like this. That's it, he's nothing but trouble and has this weird effect on me. This can't go on. I raised my hand and readied my talk.

Nightrunner's butterfly [Nino Nakano x Male reader]Where stories live. Discover now