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[AN] And here we go. Hello again guys, it's ya boy. Due to number of reasons I've been busy for the past few week and let me tell you it feels good to have some free time once again. Now for some story updates. I decided to go for a different direction than what I had originally planned, so I hope you guys will like it and that I won't totally butcher the idea. I discussed the story idea for a late part with my friend and we came to a conclusion that it would be plain old stupid and would never work. So instead of doing that I came up with the current sketch. With that this chapter has been through at least five complete rewrites as all the previous incarnations of this chapter never fit into the story that I'm trying to tell. The first one was plain old weird, second one was stupid, third one was way too edgy, with the fourth one I don't know what had happened, but the last one had basically written itself. Looking back at it I think that me revisiting a favourite series of mine certainly helped to shape this chapter and listening to some great ambience helped as well. I think I should mention that my scedule is once again a complete joke and should be taken with a grain of salt. I'm sorry for not releasing on schedule, but I'd like you to understand, that my schedule is really tight thanks to an unfortunate set of events. I can't promise that I'll release on schedule, because let's be honest I probably won't, but I sure as hell can try. Anyways that's enough of rambling for today. 

[Y/N's POV]:

Fuutarou: Ichika, there you are. Your sisters were calling. Go meet up with them.

Maeda: Hey, who asked you to be here, punk? Don't go thinking...

Listening from behind the door my hopes were high. At first I thought I would solve it using good old methods, but I decided against it as doing so would shine a lot of light at my past, which for now is what I want Nino to know about the least. There are number of reasons why, but the main one bottles down to me being either blessed or cursed with lack of memories. The fact that I lack knowledge about most of my youth is both concerning and scary, while at the same time being sort of soothing. As the saying goes ignorance is bliss and if Michael was keeping something from me, he sure as hell had a good reason for it. The steadiest memory I've got is meeting Isanari, but now that I think about it, there's a great number of muddy memories I've got with Michael, but whenever I try to trace the point of origin my nightmares resurface and with them my lack of sleep. There are three common things however that come up whenever I try to remember Michael. A run down establishment, terrible odor and lots and I mean lots of sharp teeth. 

I glanced at my reflection in the classroom window. In it I reflected on my decisions in life up until now. I had my share of mistakes, some pretty recently but none of them were so severe that I would force myself to forget and in doing so turning them into nightmares, that would haunt me to this day. What could have possibly happened all these years ago? Looking up, I tensed up as for a moment I saw a set of two evil eyes lurking behind my reflection. In that single moment a device hiding deep inside my school bag went off, screaming alarmingly as it noticed me. I was frozen in place as the eyes rose up revealing an inhuman mouth with at least two sets of sharp teeth. The shadow moved closer as the noise of the device intensified. It could only be described as an extremely high frequency alarm, that increased in intensity the closer he got. He leaned to my ear opening his mouth. It wasn't human, not even close. It resembled an animal or some weird bipedal monstrosity. I couldn't see much of it as it was shrouded in shadows, but I could distinguish it's facial features. Two blood red eyes, mouth with two sets of crooked sharp teeth and a short snout with two animalistic ears on top of it's head. Opening it's mouth I felt it's bloodthirsty breath against the nape of my neck. My hair stood up everywhere and adrenaline pumped into my veins and yet, I was unable to move, unable to blink.

???: I...

My eyes filled with terror as the creature grabbed my shoulder with it's claws sinking into my skin. I felt pain, terrible pain as his dead cold claws burrowed themselves into my skin. As the creature's hold intensified it's mouth opened once again.

Nightrunner's butterfly [Nino Nakano x Male reader]Where stories live. Discover now