A very unusual day

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...Everything was dark and mundane, until I've met you...

Those were the words echoing through the long dark hallway a certain boy found himself in. He looked both sides and found out, that the hallway seemingly had no end. He sighed and started walking. More voices could be heard, but they were almost impossible to understand, thanks to some background noises. At one point he could swear he saw Fuutarou walk infront of him, leading a girl to god knows where. 'Weird' he thought to himself and continued walking. Suddenly he saw light at the end of the corridor. He decided to run for it as it seemed like he was walking for hours. When he was aproaching, he spotted a figure and when he got closer the figure turned out to be a beautiful bride in her wedding dress. Shocked by her beauty he gasped, alerting the bride. She turned around and smiled, but before she could  say anything, the boy got suddenly pulled out of his dreams by a desperate, younger sister shouting:


'[Y/N POV]

I was rudely awakened from a nice nap on my workbench by my cute little sister, in her school uniform. Yawning, I decided to ask her, what was the ruckus about.

"Morning sis, what's this about?" I asked lazily. The answer I got shook me quite a bit to be honest.

"Onii-chan, wake up it's 8:15, you're gonna be late!" She shouted desperately at my stupid sleeping brain. The very same brain in question then slowly made it's cogs turn. Then it went from confusion to rapid thinking, to down right panic in a matter of seconds. I quickly shot a glare at the alarm clock I reassembled to find out I forgot to put the battery in.

"BLYAT" I yelled and dashed to the bathroom, where I  took a hasty shower. I knew that it wasn't going to be easy to get to a destination 30 minutes away in a matter of 10. I gave Raiha a kiss on her forehead, took a sandwich, slammed it into my mouth and made my run for it. Most people would give up, but I am not most people. I happen to have too much time on my hands and I dedicated this time to tinkering with random garbage, playing videogames and freerunning, which happens to be just the thing I need right now not to get yelled at. Again. So here I am climbing on my neighbours roof, getting yelled at for beaing an a-hole. I though back on how the hell did I manage to dedicate myself to freerunning. Well, there was this awesome game called Dying Light, which inspired me to do so. So when a Karen says that video games are terrible, remind her to take a look in a mirror from time to time. Still I've got 5 minutes and it's still a hell of a walk, so I should probably speed up. After some time I finally managed to get to the highest rooftop. If I were an idiot, I would scold me for climbing roofs, instead of running to the school. Well this is the part where I would call that imaginary idiot an idiot, if I had friends. You see, this happens from time to time to me, even though this might be the latest I've ever been. For reasons I can't explain I've set up my own bootleg zipline, that swings from here,  straight to my school's rooftop. Nobody found it yet, so I'm in luck. I took out my own pulley, attached it and ziplined across the street. If I had done this earlier, I would have been spotted, arrested and charged for whatever. However you could say I'm a smart idiot, so there's that. When I landed, I quickly detached my pulley and attached my rope to the edge of the building, another invention of mine. You see, I've been playing Rainbow Six for a long time now and I'm confident to say that I'm good at it. Not the best, but, you know never mind. And now you might be asking, my imaginary friend, where did I come up with all these gadgets. And to that I say: Hey look buddy, I'm an engineer, that means I solve problems. And the problem I have right now is that my class starts in ten seconds. I quickly rappeled down and entered through the window, landing on my chair. I tried to not attract attention, but that's kinda hard, given the stunt I've just pulled off. The fact was, that the teacher and all of my classmates were staring at me. After a while the teacher just scoffed, saying:

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