Going shopping - part 2

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 [Your POV]:

"So we're in the US?"


"So let me get this straight. We're here to get me a firearm?"

"Yup. From the very best."

"To get me, an emotionally unstable kid a weapon capable of ending a life with a single shot."

"I see no problem with that."

"What are you, the CIA?"

"Hah, that was good one kid. Don't worry I'll give it to you once I deem you worthy. I'm no psychopath."

"Yet you always manage to make me doubt you."

He chuckled and begun walking out of the corridor room. The moment he slammed the door open you felt as if ten thousand guns were pointed at your forehead. You sighed knowing Damian had this covered, but when you looked up to him you were unpleasantly surprised to learn that he had his hands up in the air and was asking you to do the same. You hastily put your hands up and waited for anything to happen.

"Well, well, well. If it ain't the Legendary demon hunter himself."

"Hey there Morgan, been a while."

You looked up and noticed a man in a tuxedo looking down at you from a catwalk overlooking the room. He had a smirk plastered all over his place.

"Put the weapons down fellas, he's clear."

The moment he finished everyone lowered their firearms. You dropped your arms down and looked angrily at Damian who was entirely at fault for that. Moments later Morgan descended from the catwalk to greet you. When he did he immediately went to shake Damian's hand, which confused you a little.

"Hell of a greeting you prepared Morgan, didn't know I held a special status here."

"Of course you don't. It's just that you usually announce when you're coming over. With such a sudden surge of demonic energy like this, you honestly can't blame us for being a little cautious, especially after what had happened 15 years ago."


You notice Damian averting his gaze. He seemed to be a little down after what Morgan said. The two certainly had history and something unpleasant must have happened 15 years ago.

"So who's the new kid? He reeks of Demonic energy harder than you."

"Oh this is my new student. Y/N meet Morgan. Morgan, Y/N."

"Nice to meet you sir."

"Heh, nice to meet you too kid. Good to finally have a sub who know some manners."


"Oh he's that green? Well I'll leave him in your hands then Damian. I guess you're here to see Leslie, right? Well good luck with your mission. I got to take care of this."

"Thank you Morgan, see ya."

"Goodbye Morgan-san."

After this we walked through a one way glass doorway and popped out in the middle of the Big Apple. You looked around amazed. You've always dreamed of visiting the states, but you never knew it would happen this soon. You caught your self gazing at your surroundings before Damian tapped your shoulder to grab your attention. You took the subway and after a transfer or two you wound up at Kingston – Throop Avenues. After that Damian led you through Brooklyn until you wound up at a small single story complex. Damian knocked on the door and the two of you entered. The moment you entered a wrench came flying at Damian's face, which he elegantly caught and chuckled.

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