Cook off!

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[AN]  1AM in the morning? No problem, perfect time to release a chapter don't you think fellas? In all seriousness, I had a blast writing this and can't wait to continue working on this. Right now I have all the materials I need to start learning for my graduation exam, so if I spilt the tasks well, I should have plenty of time to do new chapters. Just wanted to update you on that. Also my friend is back, and she's helped so much. She's done an another artwork for me, for which I am very grateful for. I'll incorporate it into the story as naturally as I can. Anyways, that's enough rambling for a chapter. Enjoy.

[Y/N's POV]:

Well yesterday sure was a success, I thought to myself as I streched. I looked around my workshop. 'Man it looks like a bomb went off here.' Well technically one failed experiment went off here a while back. 'Yeah, that's why I have a roof window now.' I sighed as I suddenly noticed something. 'Man I stink, that won't do' I said goodbyes to my squadmates and took a bath. If an outsider walked in, he probably would burst out laughing at the sight of a guy too big for a bathtub. Well, I don't mind. As long as it does the job. I checked on my brother. He was still preparing materials for tommorow. Bless that guy, he's a real hard worker. I waved him goodnight and went into my room. I lied on my bed, wondering about the events of the past few days. 

"I wonder what I should expect from you next."

I smiled and turned on my side.

"Don't keep me waiting, Nino."

The next day

I was running late to the Nakano appartment due to my punishment for my last escapade. I wonder how in the bloody heck was I supposed to enter without a key. Well doorbells were there. I couldn't  remember if it had the different residence labeled on the doorbells or you had to type in the appartment number of the person you wanted to visit. 'Oh god, what was their appartment number. Think Y/N, think' As it turns out, I worried for nothing as I saw my brother struggle. However unlike me, who was struggling to remember the appartment number, he had a hard time figuring out that these doors actually have autolocks. Yeah, pretty obvious am I right? Even for a guy who has two remaining braincells, this isn't hard to figure out. Well there he goes overthinking everything. Or he's just stupid, one of the two. Then I saw Miku slowly aproach him and possibly to question him about his weird behavior. Well two of my problems got solved. 'We take those' And with that I decided to join on the fun.

Fuutarou: O-of course I knew that.

Even though I knew close to zero about what there were talking about, my mind decided to vent the obligatory 'No you didn't.' since it was pretty obvious he was lying. Off to a great start. However just as I was thinking of all the possibilities today's session could go to crap, I was pleasantly surprised by Miku's words.

Miku: What are you doing you two? You're going to tutor us today, aren't you.

Y/N: You bet!

Even though I was only slightly energetic on the outside, I was jumping for joy on the inside. Finally we were getting closer to actual tutoring. And with that we were off. When we arrived, Miku sat on the couch and we went to gather the girls. General Skywalker's words rang in my head: 'This is where the fun begins'

Itsuki: So you had to come.

Y/N: Technically, he had to come. I chose to come. Surprised to see me?

She pouted and then went downstairs as my brother nervously laughed. This time a different person's words rang in my mind: 'NEXT'

Yotsuba: Hey, Uesugi-san and Uesugi-san?

Nightrunner's butterfly [Nino Nakano x Male reader]Where stories live. Discover now