Damian Demonheart

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[AN] I promised you a second chapter so here it is. I've decided to split it into two chapters with the next one concluding both this fight and this whole act. Compared to the last one this chapter was a breeze to write and I'm much more happier with how this one turned out. I have to warn you though it contains a fight scene and a pretty over the top one at that so as long as the jukebox plays Free Bird tread cautiously.

[Damian's POV]:

Thirty minutes earlier

Waking up you felt uneasy. A strange yet familiar feeling crept up upon you. You turn to your side and you're stunned by Blaze's beauty. She's laying there completely naked, holding onto your arm. You carrass her cheeks, untangle yourself from her hold and cover her bare body up. You get off the bed as quietly as you can and begin dressing up. When you're putting on your leather jacket you accidentally knock over some stuff which ends up falling over because of course it does. You close your eyes in anticipation but luckily the only noise coming from Blaze's direction is her turning over. You breathe a sigh of relief as you didn't want to wake up Blaze unless absolutely nescessary. You pick everything back up quietly but one specific item catches your eye. It's a burnt family photo you decided to frame. Everyone would have real trouble recognising people on that photo or the meaning of it's very existance but not you. For you it was a reminder. A relic from your past. A memento of when times were better and much simpler. You recognise your ugly mug and let out a small chuckle. If only could the six year old you know what future had in store with him. You put the photo back down and make your way to the front. There you meet Sylphie already half asleep.

"So this is you quote on quote keeping watch?"

She looks up finally noticing you and flips you off like teenagers usually do. Had this been the first thing you woke up to you would probably not be in the best of moods. You sigh and seat yourself into the drivers seat.

"You may be a prodigy amongst mages but you're a lousy student"

"Like teacher like student."

"Oh I'll let you know that I'm quite a workoholic"

"Is that why the agency is barely surviving each month?"

You wanted to say something but decided to let her have that win. You open a magazine and start reading it. You were about to tell her to go and get some sleep but in that very moment the phone started ringing. Next thing you hear is Blaze running coved only by the bedsheets and enthusiastically picking the phone up. It was one of the old 1980/90s style phones that used to be everywhere but ended up being replaced by cellphones. Why do you still have that? Most likely because you can't afford the newer models.

"Nightrunner's detective agency. Uh. Yeah. Oh."

She looks at you, covering the handset's microphone. She looks both happy and concerned. How can she even achieve this? 

"It's a client. Would you mind taking over?"

She throws you the handset and walks towards you when the bedsheets give way, fall down and reveal all of Blaze's curves. Her G-cup was certainly nothing to shy away from but given the situation you throw her some clothes and take the call.

"Damian Demonheart on the phone, how may I help you?"

"Hello, uhm, how do I say this?"

"Who is this? You sound way younger than my usual customer."

"You don't remember me? I was one of the girls of which bath you decided to interrupt."

You dig into your memory recalling prior events when it hits you. You facepalm remembering the stunt you pulled back there. Thank god Blaze knew you so well too, because had that been any other woman you'd have been found dead behind the buiding by now. God you loved her so much.

Nightrunner's butterfly [Nino Nakano x Male reader]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें